I'm falling behind

I haven't had time to post lately which probably upsets me more than you, but I thought I would check in to assure you I haven't just been kidnapped or anything. Just been working trying to do husband and dad stuff, which doesn't really include spending yet more time at the computer. But look at these boys. How can you blame me?
Anyway, since I still don't have time to do a real post, here's what's coming as soon as I have some more time:
I'm going to be moving my movie reviews to a new blog set up just for movie reviews and my thoughts on TV shows and the entertainment world in general. I will have a link from this page for your convenience. I will try to get new reviews on there as soon as possible which will no doubt include Memoirs of a Geisha which my lovely wife is anxious to see me admit I watched and enjoyed. I have been thinking about doing this for a while, but then fellow blogger and buddy Mike Lewis found a great blog template for me that put me over the edge. So, see you at the movies.
I'm on the brink of having a sandwich named after me wich will probably rank as one of the top accomplishments of my life and I feel the need to tell you all about it.
If you haven't been checking out my sports blog and you are into that kind of thing, you should check out coming soon new posts on the NBA draft, more on why I don't care about soccer, why the Giants should be buyers in the trade market and coming a little later FANTASY FOOTBALL. Can you feel the excitement? I know you can. There is a link on on this site.
Also, there will be posts on:
Snobby waiters
Lawyers behaving badly
Things you need to know when traveling on an airplane
more food rules
more reasons to like Green Lantern
Various random Biblical observations.
check back soon.
He would always try to argue, by saying a True Geisha was a skilled, highly trained woman who entertained men.
Thats exactly my point, I would say, they "ENTERTAINED MEN!"
You get the idea. The more he said, the bigger hole he dug himself into. Eventually whenever I would craftily turn the conversation to Geishas, he would just hold his head in his hands and shake his head. Good Times.
Tomo especilly enjoyed when I would read him parts of the novel. Or maybe it was I who enjoyed it. I forget.
What's funny is that after seeing the movie, I don't think you can help but be struck by the fact that even with all the fans and dancing and funny guitars, etc. the geisha, for all their mystery and renown, were still basically prostitutes. They are, I believe, a rather sad statement about a certain segmant of Japanese culture. Tune in to my new blog www.stumptownmovies.blogspot.com in a day or two to hear more.