I Left My Heart.....in San Diego

Out of nowhere, I am going to San Diego this week.

Every year my oldest and bestest friend (not including the artist formerly known as StumpTown's wife, of course) meet in San Francisco to see a couple Giants games. This year we were having trouble getting something scheduled and then out of nowhere he has some extra travel budget he has to spend or lose (he visits colleges as part of his job as a college counselor at a super posh prep school in LA), and needs to visit some of the schools in San Diego and wouldn't you know it, the Giants just happen to be in town this weekend. So, a quick frequent flyer free ticket later and I'm hitting the road, or air, or whatever. I will fly out tomorrow and come back Sunday. We should get to see a couple games and I'll be able to catch up with some other friends from college along the way. Should be great. So, I may not be able to post anything new here the rest of the week, though I am taking a laptop with me and have high hopes of getting some things posted while I'm gone.

So you might see a movie review for Munich (which I liked) on the Entertainment site and hopefully and long and rant heavy report on tomorrow's draft on the sports site. I can't tell you how much it pains me that I'll be in the air during the entire draft.

Also, Peggy, a frequent StumpTown Blog contributor has suggested that my wife's blogging handle needs to go. My wife has requested some suggestions I hope that whoever reads this will contribute at least one. She's already considering some suggestions I made which include:

1. Fairest of them All
2. StumpTown's little lady (Let's just say this isn't a front runner)
3. Wonder Woman (though this might hinder her ability to live as a not so mild-mannered mother of two by day and super heroin by night...you know if her true identity is revealed)
4. Holy High Empress Supreme
5. Tonya with an "o" since everyone misspels it that way anyway.

But I don't think she's thrilled with any of those so tell us what you think

I took a hellish deposition today that is on its 4th day and will probably last 6. Today's torture session went from 1 until 7:30. It is lasting so long because the questioning has gone something like this:

Me: Have you ever worked with my client's product anywhere other than at the Portland shipyards?

Plaintiff: I've worked with them in the shipyards for years. I've worked with them and other things and I've worked on cars and trucks and once on a helicopter and my favorite color is red and I don't like the way you're looking at me and I'm not sure I understood the question, but as I understood it you were asking me if I have ever used your product as a surfboard or to attack the trolls that live under my stairs and so the answer to your question is clear, but I can't....

Me (interrupting): I'm sorry. I don't think you've answered my question. It calls for an answer of yes or no. I promise that if you first just answer my question, you can explain yourself as much as you want. So, first, I just need yes or no. Ok?

Plaintiff (indignant): I don't know if that's ok, I've never been an electrican or a math teacher so how can I answer that?

Me (staring back in disbelief): Ummmm....ok, well listen, let me try my question again. Have you ever worked with my client's product outside of the shipyards?

Plaintiff: All shipyards are outside.

Me (becoming flumoxed): What? No. I mean, yes I know they are outside, but my question is have you ever worked with my product someplace other than the shipyards?

Plaintiff: I'm sleepy, can we take a break?

Me: Only if you promise we'll have this much fun again when you return.

This is a slight exageration, but close enough. By the way, the average attorney in the room is probably billing at about $200 an hour to listen to this nonsense. There are 16 defense lawyers there which means the tab for a single day is over $25,000 in legal fees alone. To make things even better, this guy has no injury whatsoever. Ahh, the glory of justice. Needless to say, tomorrow I'm sending someone else in my place.

Finally, and completely free of charge, here is yet another reason to like Green Lantern. To power up his ring, GL must recite some poetry into his lantern and as everyone knows, chicks dig poetry....and green and black spandex... Dude's with lanterns not as much, but the poetry totally makes up for it.


Peggy said…
I'd like to but a ticket to your deposition, it sounds like the best show in town. Absolutely hilarious!

Using a variety of name generators on the web, and my own imagination (which is more dangerous?)
I would like to submit the following names for Stumptown's wife:
Hobbit name: Bramblerose Grubb

Pirate name: Fruity Gwyn Dread

Band Name: Arrested Mom of the Cryptic Scouts

Mafia name: Alice Tagliano

Japanese name: Misaki--means Beautiful Blossom...my personal favorite

King Arthur name: Friendly Knight

Random name: Noodle Manilow
Peggy said…
I just discovered a pimp name generator on the web(clearly I have too much time on my hands) and her pimp name is:
Mactastic Tanya Flava.
I think she totally OWNS that name!
Peggy said…
Your Pimp name is:
Treacherous J. Fresh

You're welcome.
--Suede Peggy Flex
Mike Lewis said…
Reverend Lewis Flash here.
Alan said…
how about:

eeky eeky eeky eeky gebang zuboing

since we are no longer the knights who say Ni!
Alan said…
I was just pimped as

Sheik Lewis Sneed
I remember reading a guide on how to translate your name to Jedi. Take the first three letters of your first name, the first two letter of your last name, and the first three letters of the town in which you were born. Put them together and you have it. In case you are curious, I'd be Jendabak. The rest of our family would be Tondasea, Doudapor, and Cladapor.
Alan said…
Alaleoak my name would be in Jedi you see.
rebecca marie said…
unless you check your blog while you're gone... i'm so sad that i'm too late to tell you that if your oldest and bestest is jeff morrow, tell him that becky holden says hello!
Thurman8er said…
I've been gone. Did anyone ever figure out who wrote the "In brightest day, in darkest night..." poem?

Hint: He wrote some other good stuff too.
Josh Stump said…
First, Stoogelover, you should know that the practice of law is not like what you see on TV. There is waaay more tearful confessions on the stand, improbably beautiful people and co-ed bathrooms in real life.

Peggy, you have opend up a whole new world with all this name stuff. Good work. Even if I only got your comments, this blog would be worth doing. Tanya has already been pushing to get her name legally changed to Mactastic.

Alan, I miss the Knights.

Mike, that is how you will appear in the Church bulletin whenever you are leading worship.

Davises, excellent addition as always. For the record my Jedi name would be Josstpor, which I'm not going to use since it sounds too much like "just poor" and I'm not sure that's the image you want in your corporate counsel.
Josh Stump said…
Becky Holden!!! There is a name from the past. How did you find this blog? It was indeed Jeff Morrow I was going to visit and he told me to tell you hi via this space. So, "hi." Hope you are doing well.
Josh Stump said…

I believe the popular belief is that Alfred Bester, the Scifi author wrote the Hal Jordan oath, but I understand the he has denied it saying that the oat was already there when he started writing for GL. What say you?
rebecca marie said…
josh - we run in the same blog circles... glad you saw that in time to pass along the hullo.
Josh Stump said…

It is truly a small world ever shrinking. Glad you found the blog.
rebecca marie said…
i've seen you in the last year, you know... i just couldn't be bothered with saying hello.

(actually, i saw you from far away at a church type event... perhaps TLC? i can't recall with any of the thirty-one flavors of certainty, at any rate, you were too far away. otherwise, i would have totally given you a hullo and introduced you to the mister.)

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