
Greetings all in blogland. I just got a last minute invitation to go down and speak at the Pepperdine Lectures. I now have one day to come up with a class title and about 2 weeks to come up with a class!!! Yikes. This much I know, it is going to center around our experience up here at Westside putting together our own worship CD and will seek to encourage others to try the whole thing themselves. Past that, I’m not sure yet.

Since I started writing songs, I have had several powerful revelations.

Perhaps the most significant is that writing songs is not as hard as you think. If you are a Christian, there is power and beauty in your faith. All you really have to do is find a way to articulate that power in your own words (it helps of some of them rhyme) and then set it to music. Still sound hard? I really don’t think it is. I don’t mean to diminish the talents of the great songwriters, just to debunk the notion that you couldn’t write a song yourself. With a little help from the truly gifted around us, you might even write something that your congregation would want to sing. From there, you just never know how God might use you or your song.
My class won’t be about how to write music, but more about one congregation’s journey writing music that respects our tradition and reflects what God is doing in us, with some thoughts on how you and your congregation might do the same. I’ll play some music from our CD and depending on who might be down there with me, we might even sing some.

Anyway, I am honored to be invited and excited to attend (I haven’t been to the lectures in years) and I hope I see some of you there.

Let me know in the comments if you plan to be there and maybe we can hook up down in Malibu.


cwinwc said…
Man, am I glad I stopped by on this wonderful Saturday morning.

Yes, I plan to be there and in your class! After breaking my string of 19 straight Pepperdine Bible Lectures (son graduated last year from H.S.) I'm headed back to SoCal. Do you know the time slot and where your class will be meeting?

I wish my son could be there but he'll be wrapping up semester exams at our local Community College. He currently sings on our Praise Team, plays in our Praise Band, and is in a Contemporary Christian Rock band.

Our service is blended with the first half being instrumental and the 2nd half being acapella. The one piece missing piece of the puzzle is they want to write, sing, and play their own music for our church and recording purposes.

I would love to meet you in person. Perhaps you could join our gang for a Wednesday or Thursday dinner run to get some tri-tip?
Stoogelover said…
After 20 years of attending Pepperdine lectures, this will be my second year not to be there, which I hate because I'd love to meet you and have me some of that tri-tip w/ by bud from Florida ("cwinwc"). The highlight of my year for many years was to spend most of a week in Malibu with dear friends from Florida and Alabama. The last few years were actually spent skipping classes and lectures with our favorite preacher, Randy Wray! He brought lectureship attendance to a new level. I'll miss that, as well, but the last I heard Randy was not coming down this year. If he were, I might consider at least driving over for a day ... just to skip lectures with him. We would meet you after your class, as we have a reputation among our peers to uphold!! :)
cwinwc said…
Excuse me Josh,
Greg - Don't you mean "...lectureship attendance to a new low?" :)

I tell you what, you make it to our Tri-tip night and if Josh can hook up with us, I'll by your dinner.

Back to Josh - All kidding aside, I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Stoogelover said…
Cecil: Does a part of your "all kidding aside" include the offer to buy my dinner? That might lure me over there.
cwinwc said…
Josh - Sorry, Greg and I are having fun.

Greg - It does.
Stoogelover said…
If Josh Stump goes with you to the tri-tip place, I'll do my best to come over and join the party.
Josh Stump said…
Cecil, First, I'm glad you will be there. I'm looking forward to finally meeting you. Second, where is this famed tri-tip place you've been talking about?

Greg, you need to get over there at least long enough to say "Hi" and while we're on the subject we need to get Randy down there too. I'll start working on that.

I am always, I repeat ALWAYS game for tri-tip, but schedule may interfere. We are coming down Thursday afternoon and heading back Sunday. Because the trip was such short notice, we couldn't stay for the whole thing. Next year though.

So tell me more about this tri-tip place and if there is any way I can make it work, you can count me there.
cwinwc said…
Ah, the tri-tip as in the "Wood Ranch Restaurant in Agoura Hills tri-tip. It is a Pepperdine must. A little drive through Malibu Canyon Road and a few miles north on the 101 I think and wah-la, some of the best tri-tip you’ve ever had not to mention great yeast rolls!!

How about a Friday Dinner trip?
Josh Stump said…
Cecil, I know that place well....very well. I wondered if that might be the spot. That is actually quite close to where I will be staying while I'm down there. I will talk to my travel partners and contact you shortly.

Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.
Mactastic Tanya said…
Of course your vegetarian wife is happy to join you at Wood Ranch! Did someone say yeast rolls??? Then lengths I go to hang out with the guys! I look forward to meeting all of you as well.
cwinwc said…
Mactastic Tanya - Great yeast rolls and veggies at the Wood Ranch plus some really cool guys ( :) ) too! Looking forward to it.
Josh Stump said…
That sounds like a date. Cecil, if you check this again, email your cell phone number or the best way to reach you to so we can coordinate on the ground.

cwinwc said…
Done. O.K. Greg, looks like I owe you a dinner on that Friday.
Stoogelover said…
Cecil: If Mactastic Tanya is coming, I'll bring Janice. As you know, she will only share a meal and never eat her own, so you're still out only the cost of my meal!

Word Verification: comit
cwinwc said…
Excuse me Josh, again:

Greg - Jan is coming as well!! :)
Maybe I should see if I can get Barb on an early flight from Florida and we'll make it a couple's retreat. Perhaps the WV realizes the madness that is starting to take place:


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