My Dad's Health

We interrupt this blog inactivity with some news/information of actual importance.

It has been a while, but I think I should post an update on my Dad’s (pictured above in a very cool old picture my wife unearthed recently) health situation. This will just be a brief summary, so if you would like more details, please feel free to email me. If you are new to the blog or to knowing me, you may not know that my Dad was diagnosed with a relatively rare form of cancer a couple years ago. Successful surgery removed a tumor the size of a nerf football (sorry to be graphic, but it still blows me a way to think about) from his abdomen.

Unfortunately, all too soon, the cancer returned. My Dad has been living for several months now and maybe more like a year now that I’m thinking about it with multiple tumors on his Liver and one in his chest. There is a drug that has proven to be effective against this type of cancer that my Dad has been taking and the regular CT scans had been showing that the drug was doing its job and stopping the growth of the tumors and in some cases even shrinking some of them. With the exception of some nausea and some days of exhaustion along with some other relatively minor side effects, things were going quite well.

Then a couple weeks ago, we got some more bad news. One of the tumors on the liver is growing rapidly and not being stopped by the medication. In less than 3 months it has more than doubled in size and is now roughly the size of a tennis ball.

There are lots of reasons that is bad (as I’m sure you could deduce) even though the tumor has yet to cause any symptoms. First, it means doubling the dose of the medication which could ramp up the side effects substantially. Second, something else will have to be done to stop this tumor. Basically the options were/are surgery to remove it, try another drug that has rather awful side-effects, or go in with a scope, stick hot wires in it and burn it to death. Of these, that third option would be, by far, the preferred option.

Today, my Dad talked to the surgeon who seems optimistic he can go in with the scope and kill this thing without full blown surgery. So, while the discovery of this new tumor has been very bad news for the family, we got some good news today so praise God.

He will have the procedure on the 15th. If all goes well, he could be in and out in a day or two. If it doesn’t, the surgeon will surgically remove the tumor. That would be major surgery with something like a 3 month recovery time, so we are very hopeful that could be avoided. So, if you are the praying kind and would be willing, please pray for my Dad and the success of this procedure. And pray for my Mom as well as she supports my Dad through this. And pray for me as well. My Dad and I are close and I could use your prayers.

Also, if you are not the praying kind, you are really, really missing out and should really try to do something about that. Not the point of this blog post, but I’m just saying, email me or something because prayer is one of those rare things that is even better than advertised and it is really unhealthy to go even one more day without it. Just looking it out for you.



Peggy said…
Hi Josh, I believe I told you before that our church has a 24/7 prayer team. People sign up for 30 minute slots, and yes, people even sign up for ridiculous times like Wednesday at 2:30 a.m. and say goofy things like,"I'm up anyway, I might as well make good use of my time."

I was not one of those people.

I have 6:00 pm on Thursday nights, and Tim has the next 30 minute slot following mine. Long story short, your Dad and your entire family are now covered by prayer, 24/7. I put you on the 24/7 email list.

In fact, if the person who has the slot right now just checked their email, your Dad is being prayed for.

We keep praying until somebody tells us to stop.

We are relentless that way. 24/7.
cwinwc said…
What a cool picture of your Dad. Dad's and their sons are a special breed. I will lift all of you in prayer and may this special relationship be preserved. Hang in there Bro.
Cheryl Russell said…
Hello Josh. I'm a daddy's girl so.....I feel you. Thanks for posting this so that we can begin praying for your dad, your family, and you. We will lift you all up in prayer and make sure to pass this message along to all of the prayer warriors that we know. May the healing breath of God wash over your dad.

If there is anything else we can do, please let us know. May God bless and comfort you all and may His Spirit bring you peace.

"Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I."
Isaiah 58:9
Peggy said…
Tim just checked, the 15th is on a Thursday. Thats OUR night, Tim and Peg from 6-7.

Of course we can kick in anytime we jolly well please, AND WE DO, but Thursday the 15th, we have our prayer focus.

It is you.
We love you.
T & P
Thurman8er said…
They're getting better and better at this stuff all the time and I have a feeling, not sure why, that there will be an end to cancer in my lifetime.

I could be wrong, but I wanted you to know that, as I pray for your dad, I'm praying for this too.
Sharie said…
How exciting that this tumor can be obliterated laproscopically! We will continue to pray for health and peace, and will also ask God to grant Ron a smooth and speedy recovery. Do let us know if there's anything else we can do.
Tam said…
You probably didn't even know I read your blog! Just wanted to send my love...your Dad is special to a lot of people. Clint and I will be praying for your whole family.
Stoogelover said…
So sorry to hear about this latest situation, but glad to know there is hope ... and even better, we are praying together for your family.
Unknown said…
Praying and inviting our church family to join.

Great picture -- looks like he's just finished that best selling novel.
Anonymous said…
Josh -

I've been busy traveling out here to Abilene, Texas to visit my mom, so this is the first time I've had to read your post about your dad.

I will certainly keep your dad and your entire family in my prayers, and especially that the procedure will go well next week to burn the tumor out.

I LOVE the picture! What does (did?) your dad do? Was he really a novelist, as Greg suggested? He certainly looks the part! Very professional looking (and good looking enough to be an actor!)

Much love to you all today!

Anonymous said…
Well, to say I'm honored is a considerable understatement...not just by my son's loving comments, but by so many holding me up in prayer. I hope everyone knows how thankful our whole family is for the support and encouragement we've received from so many.

And I love that "Dee" woman! "...handsome enough to be an actor"!!! Whew...have to make sure Mrs. Stump reads that one!

Josh Stump said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you all. A very predictable response and I mean that as the highest praise possible. Thank you.

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