Another Movie Review

I had big plans for another post today, but my actual job got in the way. Instead I posted a review for the movie I saw last night: "Thank You for Smoking." It's a good one and the full review is now posted on StumpTown Entertainment. Check it out.

One other thought before I go. Tom Hanks' mullet in the Da Vinci Code got me thinking. If so many "rednecks" are wearing mullets these days, are they still rednecks? I mean doesn't that hair protect the back of the neck and keep it lilly white? I wonder what Descartes would say about this? Probably something like: "huh?"


Peggy said…
Okay, "Smoking" will definately go on our must see list. Sounds like a good one. I will send you a mystery quote from the movie after we go, and see if you can identify the scene and character.

We'll pass on "Da Vinci," already saw Geisha, and I left a repsonse to your review.
Alan said…
Only he would say it in French. I wonder what "huh?" is in French.
Alan said…
RE: Descarte
"We ought to give the whole of our attention to the most insignificant and most easily mastered facts, and remain a long time in contemplation of them until we are accustomed to behold the truth clearly and distinctily" Rule IX
Only he would have said it in French

or not.
Anonymous said…
Was it actually a mullet or was he just going for chic intellectual, I am so busy being brilliant I don't have time to cut my hair like the rest of you pedestrian rule followers?
Though he would have said all of that in an ancient language no longer understood by the rest of us.
Alan said…
Well, I have been kind of busy, and my hair is getting a bit long.

As the famous philosopher, David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, & Nash said.."Almost cut my hair. Happened just the other day."
Peggy said…
Stumptown's Wife:
You need a new name! STAT!
Stumptown's Wife does not fit you at all.
Please fix it immediately.
Big Daddy Remm's Spouse
Alan said…
I um..well I ...made a mistake. The famous philosopher David Crosby who penned those famous words.."Almost cut my hair. Happened just the other day." was not David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, and Nash. It was of course, David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash, AND Young. One might consider that a trivial detail. One might say it was a small legality. As Mr Crosby would say later in this work...."it increases my paranoia like looking in my mirror and seeing a police car."
Anonymous said…
Big Daddy Remm's spouse...I appreciate the sentiment regarding my name selection. Might you have a suggestion for a more appropriate option?
Josh Stump said…
Alan, Thanks for that clarification. We just can't have that sort of sloppy misquoting on such a serious solemn blog. Good quote too.

I can't wait to hear the suggestions for my lovely wife's new blogging handle

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