Pray for me.

In July, my Dad had some pain and discomfort in his abdomen. The doctors thought it was an infection (though tests indicated that it was not) and gave him some antibiotics. He took them and felt better and didn’t think much more of it.

A couple weeks ago, the pain and discomfort came back. They ran more tests and again concluded it was an infection regardless of the fact that the tests indicated otherwise. Again he took antibiotics and again the symptoms were relieved.
But this time they did not go away and after a week they became quite severe. My Dad went back to the doctor and got a CT scan. To the shock and fright and sadness of our family, they discovered a tumor in his abdomen roughly the size of a grapefruit. The tumor is very large and almost certainly cancerous.

The worst case scenario was that the tumor was coming from his colon. That would have made it inoperable and treatment possibilities would have been very limited. Tests were done yesterday that determined that it is not in his colon which is very good news. Unfortunately, the abdominal pain following the procedure became so severe that we had to take my Dad to the emergency room. He spent the night there in pretty awful pain.

Today (as I type even) they are doing a needle biopsy to determine the location and type of tumor. Surgery will follow shortly, but no one is sure exactly when or what other treatment may be required.

If you know me or my family or have even read this blog very much, then you know that I am very close to my family and that my Dad is one of my best friends and someone I love and admire more than I can describe. This ordeal has been very difficult on my family, though it has been made easier by our faith, our love for each other and the larger family we enjoy in Christ.
If you read this, please pray with us for my Father. He would ask that you pray that he stay strong in the faith and reliance on our Redeemer God that he has been preaching his entire adult life. I ask that you pray that he be healed. I am someone who believes in the power of prayer to change the world. If you have access to this power, please call on God on my behalf.

I don’t have the capacity, mentally or emotionally, to express here what all this means to me or my family so I’m leaving as just the facts. I will try to post an update here when we know more.

Thank you for your prayers.


Peggy said…
Josh, You and your family are in unchartered territory, a giant unknown of what can or will happen next. It is a very difficult road to walk, that takes all the courage and strength you have. Thank you for allowing the people who love you or call you friend the opportunity to support you through prayer. I was praying for you and your Dad throughout the day today at work.
It is my privelege to pray for you, your Dad and your entire family.
I'm not going to stop until you tell me to.
And you know me well enough to know that if I say I'm not stopping, I WILL NOT STOP.
Hugs to you, my friend,
Anonymous said…
Josh, I don't even know where to begin. You and your family have been on my mind and in my heart for so long.
I will continue to pray for your dad, you and your entire family.
Huge hug to you,
leslie said…
sean and i and natalya love you very much.
cwinwc said…
You've got it my brother from the east coast. You're Dad must be an exceptional person because I've gotten to know his son through your posts.

Our church is starting to undergo a "maturing process" due in large part to the series our preacher has been doing on the "Be-Attitudes" from Tim Woodruff's book. I will alert our church to pray for your Father due to our "connection" in that he helped Tim to write that book.

We lift up your hands my brother as you endure this challenge of life.
Thurman8er said…
Prayers come from this corner of the world also. I'll pray both his AND yours. Blessings, brother.
Anonymous said…
Hey Josh, been staying up-to-date on your dad via Kay S. Mary and I are praying for your family and your dad in particular. My dad had serious medical issue when I was about the same age as you are now and for first time I pondered the possibility of losing my dad. Needless to say, I was a wreck just at the thought of losing him. He recovered completely and hopefully I appreciated him more.

I am sure your family is looking to for strength and leadership during this difficult time - I'll be praying that he grant you the faith and grace you need.

Best, Greg Horton
Josh Stump said…
Thank you. All of you. For everything.

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