More info on Dad

My parents met with their first choice surgeon this morning, Dr. Johnson. Several bits of news came out of the meeting. First, the good news is that the CT performed last night showed no indication that the tumor had spread into the lungs. That is wonderful news. Praise God.

And more good news, Dr. Johnson is available and willing to perform the surgery which is a comfort to my Parents who really like him.

The bad news is that Dr. Johnson wants more tests run which means the surgery may not take place until Tuesday or even as late as Thursday. What a way to spend Thanksgiving.

Right now, the primary concern is that the tumor may have invaded the bladder which would likely mean the bladder would have to be removed. Of course, not only would that complicate the surgery itself, but would make recovery much more difficult. I haven’t had a chance to ask or read what it means to live life post bladder removal, but I can only imagine it is difficult. Please pray that this will not be necessary.

Dr. Johnson also explained that this type of cancer is likely to come back. That is bad news of course, but we will worry about that another day.

That’s the latest. I will post more here later. Thank you again for your prayers.


cwinwc said…
More good news than bad is a good start and praise God for it. Hang in there my brother. We prayed for your Dad last night in our Men's Class.
leslie said…
thank you for posting updates. it is good to know about your dad and it gives me a sense of how you are doing as well.
in a time where i would comfort you, you have comforted me. God is good, and worthy of all praise.
Peggy said…
As I stated, still praying, and have no intention of stopping.

You can do this, Josh.

"Be still and know that I am God."

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