
I left out one of the important professions to know when embarking on a kitchen remodel project such as the one proposed in my last post - accountants. Why do you need accountants in this situation? Because they can tell you how to do things and still get the tax benefits.

I am informed that if you are going to send a check to support the kitchen remodel, you should send it to the Church as instructed, but you should not designate on the check itself what it is to be used for. Apparently earmarked donations to the Church lose their status as a charitable donation. So, if you don't care about writing it off, designate however you would like. Otherwise, just put a note with the check (post-it?) that says "Stumps" so the Elders know the motivation of your gift. That will allow them to make an informed decision about funding this benevolent project.

Or if you are more concerned about getting the money to the right place than writing it off your taxes, just make the check out to Tanya Stump and send it to the Church Address mentioned in my last blog.

It's your call. Thanks.


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