Sports, CNN and Britney Spears

Ok, so I think I’m officially going with a weekly post for a little while. If I get time and inspiration, I will do more, but for now I have 2 trials coming up back to back in early December, and that is keeping me pretty buried. More than time, it is really about mental energy. I could probably make time to write something here, but it would probably be about proving fatigue in the rear axel of a pickup truck or determining whether a regulation is exempt from the waiver requirement of another statute because it restricts or prohibits activities to protect public health and safety.

And I don’t even want to read that.

So, here is this week’s update:

1. I posted a couple things to my sports blog if you are interested and want to check that out. It is basically my thoughts on the first week of the NBA season and then there is a second post about the new NBA ball.

2. I haven’t posted anything new on my entertainment site in a while which is too bad, but it’s sort of the lowest priority blog at the moment. I will say though that I’m looking forward to the new Bond film (I’m huge Bond fan) more than I thought I would. I wasn’t thrilled about the new choice for the Bond actor, but the extended preview I saw looked pretty dang good, so now I’m excited to see it.

3. I get an email update from CNN called “Breaking News.” It is just an email I get once or twice a day with some new headline. It is a nice thing to have in case, you know, Texas finally decides to secede from the union or something like that. It is also, though, a bit depressing. This is true for two reasons. One, most of what is considered news, is tragedy – bombings, kidnappings, terror threats, dead soldiers, murder, etc. Two, it reminds you of what Americans are really interested in which doesn’t exactly bolster one’s perception of one’s fellow man.
For example, the other day I got an email entitled “Breaking News” from CNN, one of our Country’s largest sources of news. The subject of the email was the startling and world-changing announcement that Brittney Spears was getting divorced from someone apparently named K-Fed. His real name is Kevin Federline or something like that. I only bring that up because I’m ready for this naming business where you take the first letter of the first name and combine it with the first syllable of the last name to stop. With A-Rod, it was fine, but now it is everywhere, like a quickly spreading bacteria. It must be stopped. Surely we are not all so devoid of creativity that only Chris Berman can create even pseudo-original nicknames. Surely.

Anyway, back to the subject. Ms. Spears, you may recall, was once a pop star who rose to fame and popularity primarily by prostituting her physical assets on music videos while dancing around to horrifically formulaic yet catchy pop beats and hooks. Shedding some light on a disturbing and growing, but largely undiscussed and unrecognized American sexualization of underage girls, she became increasingly less popular as she aged. Finally and mercifully, she had some kids and disappeared from the public view apparently marrying someone I’ve never heard of and know nothing about. Now it has been a long time since she had a hit record and her cultural relevance has shifted from temporary novelty to nonexistent.

And yet, in spite of that, CNN believed it important news that Brittney Spears was getting a divorce. I’m not sure which I find more depressing, that CNN thought it was news, or that most of its readers might agree. Ugh.

It was refreshing to get something unrelated to the war in Iraq or to terrorism, but it was refreshing like getting slapped in the face with just a fist rather than hit with a club.

4. My wife and youngest son are home. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh….so nice.


Your just saying this because you don't want us calling you J-Stu. :)

I once read that you could convert your name to Jedi if you took the first three letters of your first name, the first two letters of your last name, and the first three letters of the town in which you were born and combined them into one word. Perhaps that will catch on next with celebrities and we'll be calling Brittany Spears something like "Brispeken."
Peggy said…
I had CNN breaking news delivered via email for about a week, and then canceled it for the exact reason you discussed. Apparently one needs a junk filter for news.
I say bring back Walter. Walter Cronkite would never have lowered himself to report anything related to Britney as "news."
cwinwc said…
It is amazing what accounts for news now days. Good luck on your upcoming cases.

BTW - Would the "J-Stu" reference be in relation to the Jim Rome Show? If it is, you can call me a "Stump-clone."
Thurman8er said…
C'mon, J-Stu, lighten up on K-Fed. He's a Fresno boy, y'know, just like me. Even went to my high school. And as for G-Eng, K-Dav, and C-Walk, y'all just go easy on Brittany too. It takes talent to drive a car with your kid in your lap!
Anonymous said…
I didn't quite find what I was looking for on your blog, either, but then I already have more money that I know what to do with what with my SS disability checks and all. Plus my name (following the trend) would be D-And so how cool is that?! Pretty cool I say and to boot I'm an attorney , although non-practicing due to my aforementioned SS disability, so I even appreciate what you're going through in preparing for trials (i.e. the regulation being exempt, etc, etc, etc.)

First time I've commented,too, but then . . . hey . . .

Although the "over $900 a month having fun" sounds pretty good to me!
Peggy said…
Hey, how about this, since Josh has abandoned his blog, and any good Lawyer would tell you that posession is 9/10 of the law...lets take over Josh's Blog! Its the Pirate thing to do! I already know Randy is with me...who else wants to join me, and who would like to cover tomorrow's post?
Mike Lewis said…
M-Lew here.

My question is sadly, who thought that the marriage would actually last? It's not news if you know it is going to happen.
Peggy said…
Josh, after learning the reasons for your absence, I am abandoning the idea of the hostile takeover of your blog.
Our family loves you...blogging or not.
Count on it.
Tim & Peggy

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