More about Dad

Before we get to the update on my Dad, I wanted to say an official welcome to all those who have started reading here to find out what is going on with my Dad.


A few of you have asked about the bit under that goofy picture of me that says, “The game's to 26 by 2s and 3s win by 4...winner's outs.” This comes from my days at Pepperdine, when we would play every pick up basketball game to 26. We counted both 2 and 3 point shots and, when playing half court, always played “winners outs” or “make it take it” as I’ve heard it called. It is the perfect score to play to for a half court game and yet, it is the only place in the country I have ever seen it used. If you play half court pick up basketball with a 3-point line, consider it my little gift to you. You can thank me later.

Now on to more important matters,…

Well, we’re not quite out of the woods yet. My Dad had a rough day and really needs your continued prayers.

Today was filled with increased fatigue and loss of energy, increased distention in the belly and vomiting. Sorry for that visual, but believe me the picture doesn’t come close to the reality. The doctors decided more aggressive steps needed to be taken, so here is what happened:

They put in a “pick (sp?) line” which is like a larger I.V. in a larger vein. It can be used like a regular IV, but can also carry nutrients (i.e., what passes for food when you can’t take anything by mouth). The doctors believe he just hasn’t been getting nearly enough nutrients and this is why he has been running down. Dinner should have started flowing around 9 tonight and sadly for my Dad will once again not include diet Pepsi.

They decided they needed to run a tube up down his throat to suck the liquid out that is causing the distention. As you may know, they tried this without success a few days ago. My Dad described this incident as “by far the worst part of this whole ordeal.” Very unpleasant. So, the need for them to try again came as bad news. After trying and failing again today, they finally tried a different technique using an X-Ray machine to guide the process. That worked. Why they couldn’t have just done that in the first place is one of the many mysteries one must confront when receiving care in the hospital (which, by the way, has been very good on the whole).

Putting in the tube allowed them to suck nearly 2.5 liters of fluid out and it was still flowing when I left the hospital after it had been draining for almost 3 hours. That is a lot of fluid. The draining brought fairly immediate comfort to my Dad which was great to see. It really made a dramatic difference in the way he was feeling, which was wonderful.

They did another CT which showed a blockage that led to the fluid build up. They could see that it was in the intestine, but could not see what is causing it. It is not near the area where they removed the tumor, but was almost certainly caused by the procedure to remove it. The doctors don’t know whether it is scar tissue or simply a kink in the intestine or something else. Everyone is very hopeful (please pray) that the releasing of all the pressure will allow whatever is causing the blockage to simply resolve itself. However, if it does not, more surgery will be required.

One of the toughest aspects of that will just be the discouragement that comes with knowing you have taken a big step back, so pray that this won’t be necessary and pray for my Dad’s spirits if it is. At very least, all of this has prolonged his stay in the hospital. I think it very likely the stay will be at least another full week and could be much longer. My parents are approaching this with a lot of faith and a great attitude, but it is wearing on them both. Please continue to pray for them.

On a lighter and more positive note, the work on the kitchen is nearing completion. I will take a full post to thank all the wonderful people involved when it is finished, but I will say now that it has been a huge success and a tremendous blessing to my parents. It has really given them something positive and exciting to think about in the midst of all of this and I really can’t express what it means to them and to me. Thank you to everyone who has helped. I will post pictures when it is complete.

If you have any other questions about any of this, please feel free to email me at and I will get back to you with what I know.

More later.


cwinwc said…
Why didn't they use the x-ray the first time? It does make you wonder if they're either in too much of a hurry or over confident in their abilities.

I'm glad your Dad has gotten some relief from the pain. We will continue to pray for him, your Mom, and you as you face this challenge. You're not alone my Brother.
Thurman8er said…
The hope of course, is that your dad comes out the other side of this feeling better than he has in a long time. The STUFF that he has to go through will undoubtedly be unpleasant. But with that thing removed and the care which will follow, he may be much improved.

We'll continue to pray for good results and as little discomfort as possible in the meantime.

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