Tell Me What You Think

If you don't mind, click over to my entertainment blog and put in your 2 cents (unless you have more) in response to the question posed there. Thanks.

Also, speaking of cents. Why is it that people everywhere lazily pronounce fifty (50) as "fitty" (as in rapper 50 Cent) and yet no one says "sitty" when saying sixty. Very strange I think. These are the kinds of things I think about when I'm trying to block out that odor while commuting on MAX.


Peggy said…
I cannot speak for everyone else, but I like to say fitty instead of fifty because last month I turned fifty, and its WAY more fun to say,"I'm fitty" than to say "I'm fifty."
As an added bonus, it bugs David whenever he hears me do this.
However, I plan to refrain from saying "fitty" when I show up for Jury Duty, which, by the way, occurs in 19 days.
Thurman8er said…
It's because it's fun to say "That cost a dollah fitty," but nothing ever costs $1.60.
Anonymous said…
Why do people say, "PhiladelTHia"? That one really bugs me.
Anonymous said…
obviously southern eloquence is catching on...minus the charming drawl.
Josh Stump said…
Your wish is my command Stoogelover. I just posted

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