Trying to fix my picture problem

Sorry for the strange post, but I'm only posting this to try to fix my picture problem. My picture problem is that I look bad in pictures. But the problem I'm trying to fix with blogger (until they offer plastic surgery) is that it won't let me post pictures to my blogs. What is even stranger is that it allows me to post pictures about 1 out of every 15 times I try without any noticable pattern. I have asked for help and none of the suggested "fixes" work. So I'm striking out on my own. If you have advice, please share.

So, if this new attempt works, you should see a picture of what two young boys look like after a 3 mile hike which is up hill all the way.


Peggy said…
My family and I have placed bets on the next time you will post pictures on your blog...What? Did I say that?
What are the odds...oh never mind.
cwinwc said…
That picture is a classic! Makes me want to say, "Ve have ways of making you hike with the family!"

Your boys are cuties even if they look totally exhausted.
Anonymous said…
Since you asked for advice (and I'm just wandering over here from Greg's blog, I don't know you except for your comments there) . . . (although I've met some other good friends that way, like Randy Wray and Brad Palmore and I see your other linked names a lot) . . . here's mine. Give Randy and Brad of Theobloggers a chance to build you a great looking and easy posting and picturing blog. They are very inexpensive and really, really helpful. I've been really happy with my new blog of two weeks using WordPress software they put me on to and with lots of help from them.

Plus, if I recommend new business to them I get a one month rebate on my own huge costs of $3 bucks, which is a month's cost and the best bargain you'll find around anywhere these days!!

Either way, when it comes to posting pictures, I asked for picture advice myself on my Blogger blog because I was having the same trouble you are and had some blogging friends put me onto Photo Bucket (as in dot com). So check it out. There you can upload your photos, get a URL for them and paste it into your blog post while working on it. Try it till, or if, you get with Randy and Brad. That's my first recommendation.

Cheers & Blessings to you all! Dee Andrews

P. S. I love the pictures of the boys, but you made them walk 3 miles uphill?! Poor little tykes . . ..
Josh Stump said…
Peggy, I think I may have the problem mostly figured out, but we'll see. Good luck.

cwin, thanks for saying so. They take after their mother.

Dee, welcome and thanks for commenting. I think I've seen your comments around at other blogs we both frequent. Glad you stopped by. Good advice all around I'm sure. I checked out Theobloggers and decided it was probably a far superior service. The only real drawbacks I saw was that I have no idea what an "oblogger" is and you have to pay whereas blogger is free. However, my frustration with blogger is leading me more and more toward reconsidering. Plus Randy is a pal so hooking him up with extra breakfast taco money wouldn't be all that bad.

Thanks for the tips.

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