Late night blogging...

Just a quick note while a couple things are on my mind here at about 2 in the am while I take a break from work for a moment.

First, we focused our worship service at Church this morning around prayers for our school kids and our teachers who have just begun a new year. One of the reasons I love my Church family here at Westside is how they embrace these sorts of “special” services that don’t follow a traditional pattern or format, but take a break to address some timely issue or concern. Especially with my oldest starting school this year, today was especially meaningful. So, here is a reminder to pray for our kids and our teachers. I know I will be and I know it will make a difference.

Second, my Dad is doing the preaching these days at Westside. Not what he set out to do when choosing a career in ministry, but he is wonderfully gifted at it (yes I’m bias, so what, I’m still right so there), and I’m enjoying this time getting to hear him preach on a regular basis. A couple weeks ago he reminded us that God’s plan for humanity was to use people to help people. Seems like a simple point perhaps, but it is really quite an astonishing notion when you consider that the Supreme Being in the universe would choose such a frail creature through which to work. My Dad went on to preach about how “alone” so many people are/feel and how we could be part of how God is trying to help those people and it made me consider my MAX rides to and from work. I’m surrounded by strangers and many of them want to talk to me. I, however, do not usually want to talk to them. It’s not that I’m unfriendly per se, but rather prefer less social interaction with strangers. For years I’ve developed an ability to send people a vibe that I should just be left alone. Now it’s like I have Jedi mind powers (“these are not the droids you’re looking for” has become “you don’t want to tell this nice man in a suit about your day/problems/love of cats/medical conditions/etc.”)

My Dad’s sermon was a reminder that I have no business giving myself permission to be cold or unfriendly. I work in God’s marketing and customer service department. Maybe I can be surly on my own time (ie, only when I’m alone), but when I’m on the job (ie., always), I don’t speak for myself, but for God. And if that means some guy who hasn’t showered in a month needs to talk to someone, anyone about their life because they have no one willing to listen to them, then it’s time for me stop resting in my comfort zone and (gasp) actually listen and be friendly.

When you hear a sermon every week, no matter how good they are, they don’t all move you to change. That one is going to change me. I’m going to make sure of it, so I thought I’d share.

And speaking of my Dad, here is what he had to say in his first ever comment to this blog in case you either missed it or were just confused:

Stump the Hirsute said...
Please remember that much of what Jiboshua says about his father cannot be verified by reputable disinterested parties using commonly accepted methods of objective observation. I, for instance, have known his father for years; and I know him to be an inordinately normal person--free from all traces of eccentricity and compulsive behaviors. Personally, I would trust him with my life--which, frankly, I have done on numerous outdoor adventures. He has related to me a most interesting escapade involving the young Stumptown blogger on HIS first hiking trip, which I look forward to sharing with his good readers. Though I must warn you, it involves a casting off of all social restraint and underwear.

First, I should point out that while his chosen title is certainly appropriate, it unfortunately is not a great identifier as it does not readily distinguish himself from either his oldest son or his oldest grandson. Seriously, Gibson could be nicknamed Esau.

Second, I can neither confirm nor deny the reckless accusations concerning any alleged penchant for hiking dressed as an early Olympian.

Finally, after years of research and data collection I can state with confidence that there is no such thing as a reputable, disinterested party, in any context whatsoever. Just doesn’t exist. It’s just like the legal fiction of the “reasonable person” standard or a “jury of my peers.” The reasonable person seeking a jury of his peers or perhaps a reputable disinterested party lives with unicorns and mermaids. Trust me, I have the juror research to prove it.

And following that stream of consciousness, here’s a tidbit from an actual juror questionnaire in one of my cases that I saved:

What is your favorite book: “The Bible because it (note the question does not ask, “why?”) tells us that large corporations are like pornographers and prostitutes and will burn in the fires of hell forever”

Next question…

What historical figure do you most admire: “Ghandi because he loved everyone equally.”

Fearing that I would be unable to find any pictures of my large corporate client’s CEO or founder with Ghandi, I quickly asked the Court to excuse this juror.

Ok, that’s all for now.


Anonymous said…
First, Thanks for the kind words about my preaching. Preaching every week has made me ever more aware and thankful for the empowering presence of God's Spirit! God is good all the time.
Second, I notice you did not respond to my obvious attempts to elicit some agreement from you about my being blandly normal and anything but eccentric. We'll have to talk.
Josh Stump said…
Always happy to talk, but you should take my silence as my response. I have too many eccentricities that I plan to blame you for publicly to "admit" to your delusions of normalcy.
Peggy said…
Here's my question: How do I NOT get excused from being a juror?
As you know, Tim has been called many times for jury duty, and I have never been called. He would always torture me by saying I was on some sort of "black list" or on a secret file as a "wild card."
I finally got my summons to appear next month and I want to make Tim eat his words! I AM a reasonable person!! Now, on a side note, who wants in on the action betting on whether or not I actually get selected for jury duty? Right now my family has set the odds at 25 to one against me. I even heard a rumor that someone is betting I will be the first one eliminated. "Your Honor, a grave mistake has occured, this person is clearly a wild card."
That's the support I get from my loving family....yeah right!
cwinwc said…
Your Dad certainly hit "for the cycle" with his sermon. To think that I matter to the Creator of all “Matter,” and, he wants to use me to accomplish His mission, to save this dying world. We should all feel empowered to do things through the power of the Holy Spirit that we’re not normally equipped (or want) to do. When we feel alone and perhaps even unloved (I’ll throw in an “unappreciated” as well) it’s not that God moved but for some reason, Satan has moved a little closer to us.

Tell your Dad the “right coast” said “thanks.”
Peggy said…
Randy...Just see if I ever let you use my hot tub for baptisms in the future! At least I know Josh will support me...right, Josh?
Don't you just hate it when we have those little talks with our Dad's ... and he is STILL smarter than we are!!! It happens everytime I talk with mine.

Bobby Valentine
Josh Stump said…
Peggy, my legal counsel has advised me to make no comment. Sorry.
Peggy said…
Let the countdown begin...only 24 more days until I report for Jury Duty, and I an predicting that I will be Jury Foreman on the TRIAL OF THE CENTURY.
I can do it all with or without the help of my friends and family.
However, I am taking suggestions on on who should play my role in the movie about the trial.

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