Are you ready for some football?

I know I am. Check out my sports blog for 10 things that will absolutely positively happen this weekend in the NFL and feel free to wager on them. I wouldn't want you thinking it was just for entertainment purposes.

A couple quick things before I have to run off to pick Gibson up from school.

1. Gibson started first grade on Tuesday and after two days is loving it. It is 100% spanish immersion, but he is understanding enough of it to enjoy it. Keep him in your prayers

2. Here's something I've always wanted to know. Does our modern deck of playing cards come from a particular game? How did they come about in this form? I hear people say they're from China or Ireland or whatever, but I mean, why the 4 suits and the face cards, etc. Was there some original game that these cards were designed for? Why didn't it last? Why doesn't anyone know this?

3. I think there might be some signs that we may see a trend toward simplicity in our culture. In the masses of punked out street kids that hover around Pioneer Square downtown, I notice much less brightly colored hair, and outlandish piercings and outfits. They are mostly going with black clothes, ripped up and hair that looks like my 2 year old cut it by using a weed-whacker. I mean if the punks are toning things down we may really be in the verge of a cultural shift.

Ok, off to school.


Peggy said…
Feel free to wager on them? How dare you. You are well aware that my family is against any sort of betting.
Just the other day, someone sent us a photo of an overloaded backpack, and I immediatley said that it would be foolhardy to wager on the weight of the backpack. My family agreed and we let it go. Anything else would lead to madness.
I wish I could see Gibson at school, I am confident he is letting his little light shine...
cwinwc said…
Can't help you with the cards. I could quote a line my relatives in Kentucky used to say when we visited and asked them to play cards: "Playing cards is against my religion." I never understood why but it wasn't wrong to play "Rook" because they were "colored cards" with numbers on them. Go figure, I mean, go "fish."

Glad your son is enjoying school.
Josh Stump said…
SL, I will check it out and report back. Thanks.

Peggy, the first step toward overcoming a problem is to blame someone else, but the second step is to admit you have a problem. My guess is that there was a family side bet on how long my reaction would be to that comment. Let me know who won.


First, sometime you're going to have to tell me what that means. Second, I believe that some day scholars will discover lost texts that prove that Peter, Mark and a third disciple who may have been James played "Nertz" all the time.
cwinwc said…
"Nertz!" I love that game. When you play with my neighbor the game becomes "Full Contact Nertz."

If you’re referring to “against my religion” I would assume that roughly means “The preacher said we couldn’t do it.” Of course, that would be for non-coC folks. For us, we have to insert the word “Elders” for preacher.
Josh Stump said…

Actually, my comment wasn't clear. I know "against my religion" means I'm making this personal preference a spiritual issue so you can't argue with me about it without admitting you're going to hell.

What I meant was, that some day you will have to tell me what "cwinwc" means.

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