
I am still alive. I just haven’t been able to blog. It’s sad really. When I started out I was able to find the time and now that things have cranked up at work, it is harder and harder. Maybe I need a ghost writer.

Anyway, the big news of the moment is that it is the beginning of the NCAA tournament this week, or as I like to call it, “the greatest event in the world of sports.” There is the drama of the games, the upsets, the passion, the school spirit, the competition from wagering (if you’re into that sort of thing, which of course I am not…as far as you know...), it has it all.

Anyway, if you are into that sort of thing, rumor has it that you can participate in a pool by leaving a comment here with a way for me to email you an official invitation.

Ummm, not from me of course, but from a "friend"....or something.


Stoogelover said…
Well, I was wondering about you. Glad to know the legal profession hasn't devoured you.
cwinwc said…
He's back! Good to hear from you. Email me and I'll join you in March Madness.

Excuse me Josh, Randy - Oregon??
Go Gators.
Peggy said…
Where can I get an application to be your ghost writer? I will gladly send you my resume, inflated and fabricated, of course.

Our family has wagers and then wagers going on those wagers, and then wagers on the outcome of those wagers. We've got the triple whammy wager pool going.
March madness indeed.

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