Go Pirates!!!!!!!

Why the sudden love for Pirates? Is it talk like a pirate day again already? Have I found a way to join the beloved “Pirates who don’t do anything?” Perhaps I’ve just scored tickets to a popular Gilbert and Sullivan production (love those guys)? Surely I haven’t just decided to move to Pittsburg and turn my back on my embattled Giants? No, no. None of that. Rather, my new-found love for Pirates is because my oldest son Gibson has just successfully completed his first official little league practice for his team,….wait for it…can you guess….THE PIRATES!!!

What a perfect nickname for a kid’s team….but I’ll let that go.

The point of this post is really how excited I am that Gibson has started his journey in the sports world. He’s been to camps and classes for everything from swimming to basketball and he and I have certainly spent our share of time kicking, throwing, shooting, batting, striking, breaking, catching, loosing, treeing, hiding and just about anything else you can think of, balls. And it is still only T-Ball, but this is the first official league with practices and games and some semblance of competition. There’s a uniform and team photo and all of that good stuff that goes along with kids’ sports leagues.

If you’ve been to this blog before, you probably know I’m a sports fan. I follow almost everything to some degree and obsesses about the NBA and NFL and to a lesser degree MLB. I have opinions on every sports topic and will share them with you no matter how much you would prefer I didn’t. But all of that said, I will not be disappointed in the least if my kids don’t grow up to play sports. Seriously. I mean it. I was/am no great athlete by any stretch. My proudest accomplishments in life have nothing to do with sports for the most part. It is something I enjoy and something my kids are heavily exposed to, but if my boys decide to be an artist and rock drummer respectively, and are good, God fearing and loving men who dedicate themselves to God and their families and their country and community, then I don’t care if they like or ever want to play sports.

I know you don’t believe me, but whatever I’m moving on.

But I do feel like they should be exposed to sports to know whether they like it or not. And I have been, for sometime, looking forward to that process. When I was standing on the cold, soggy field last night cheering my son around the bases and meeting the coaches and getting his uni and seeing him go through the drills, I felt like it had really arrived.

There are certain things I pictured for my future when I had my boys. I pictured teaching them to ride a bike and helping them with homework and going camping with them. And I also pictured taking them to practice and talking to them about their games. Praise God that He has given me the opportunity to see that happen. Praise Him even more that He waited long enough for me to mature just barely enough that I wouldn’t be one of those overly-competitive, obnoxious parents yelling at the kids and officials during little league. I know you don’t believe me here either, but I think I can control myself now.

Anyway, Gibson will be playing for the Pirates this year in t-ball with all the other 6 year olds in the neighborhood and I couldn’t be more pleased. If he hates it and never wants to play again, I’m fine with that, but for right now, this is one of those things I’ve been looking forward to.

Go Pirates.


Anonymous said…
And it didn't hurt your feelings at all when he declared last night that not only was he going to play for the NBA, now he has decided to play MLB as well. Things that make a father proud.
leslie said…
we're excited for gibson, and you. i'm still waiting for natalya to show interest in the soccer league forms she gets at school..(though my sister thinks t-ball is the way to go for her)...
we would like info when there is a game. sean, nate, and i would love to watch gibson play.

yeah, and pirates is a brilliant name.
Peggy said…
This brought back a flood of the very best memories and moments. Tim and I made some great friends while watching our kids play or perform at any event; friends we still call some of our dearest to this day. We just had the best time. I can still vividly see the look on David's face as he rounded third base the day he hit his first home run. He was 10 years old. Just thinking about that face can pull me out of a bad mood. The day Becky got a bad start, but won the race anyway...you just cannot top those moments. Would not trade them for anything.
Enjoy every moment.
Stoogelover said…
This should make for some very good blogs! Keep us informed. Play by play.
Stoogelover said…
On another subject, what's the verdict on your attending Pepperdine?

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