Happy Birthday America

I posted this as a comment to one of Randy Wray's blog posts which leaves me feeling a bit lame for simply recycling what I've already written, but I didn't post anything on the 4th here, so this will have to do until I get around to posting something new.

We celebrated the 4th in the traditional manner, exactly as the founding fathers intended as they wrote in the little known missing 146th Federalist Paper.

Here is an excerpt I memorized in a dank, forgotten library in Virginia while doing research for the new Dan Brown novel:

“…and that is how we know America will never lose its love for God, traditional family structures and the flag, all of which will be protected by the US Constitution 2.0 which will be offered to the various colonies at a discount this coming spring.

And now with regard to the celebration of America’s Day of Independence, it shall heretofore be celebrated by all right-thinking, God-fearing Americans as follows:

(1) The holliday shall be scheduled so as to allow the maximum days off from work except for Lawyers who should be forced to work every day of their sad, miserable, treacherous little lives;

(2) Every American shall eat something grilled over an open flame, preferably ground bits of butcher’s remains held together by an artificial skin to be eaten in a bun with a tomato based condiment;

(3) some form of apple dessert should be consumed be it pie or cobbler;

(4) if able, every American should view those Chinese thingies that fly in the air and explode and make pretty lights and simulate the artilery fire that ripped the flesh of young Americans on the battle field so that generations of children could enjoy the Chinese exploding devices instead of enduring the real thing;

(5) if unable to view the mock explosions, every American should instead gather around a flat platform of concrete, perhaps where horse and wagon are hitched or in the middle of the roadway, and light off a bunch of smaller exploding devices which shall be purchased for 10 times their actual value at the behest of small children who will immediately lose interest in them later and demand more apple dessert and finally;

(6) every community shall form a posse for the purpose of rounding up any hooligans still firing off explosive devices after 1am and force them to sit through American History lectures given by lawyers who couldn’t sleep through all the racket.”

In other words, there were friends and family and fireworks and we had a great time. All sarcasim aside, I love the 4th of July holliday and we had a great time this year blowing things up in the Church parking lot with our family.


Alan said…
It's much more comfortable watching explosive packages go off on PBS while listening to Boston Pops musical festivites. When it's done I just roll over and go to sleep.
Josh Stump said…
I have to admit, I've never understood the draw of fireworks on TV. Some things just don't televize well. Like soccer, hockey, the cast of Seinfeld after Seinfeld, pro rodeo, the Dallas Cowboys, you know, stuff like that.
Peggy said…
I'm surprised...I thought you would comment on NCAA announcing that March Madness is coming to Portland in 2009. Perhaps you saved that for your sports blog. Or maybe you have determined that since it is only first and second round games, it does not count.

Is there any thing in your 4th of July notes that states that all exploding devices shall be taken apart, modified, combined and rebuilt by a large group of middle school boys in The Remm's garage? Modification shall include 2 liter bottles, duct tape, and extra smoking, sparking, and flame throwing devices. A sentry of middle school boys will be sent to market via bicycle should more supplies be needed. The Mom should remain in the house and happpily oblivious. The Dad should return home from work in just enough time to discover the boys "drilling into gunpowder" and save the family home.

Is that standard 4th of July procedure, or did it just take place at our home?
Peggy said…
On a side note, Tim thinks that perhaps fireworks modification only occurs in neighborhoods with a certain individual named "Kenny."

Kenny now serves his Country in the Coast Guard...does this make you feel more secure?
Josh Stump said…

I wouldn't call it "standard procedure", but I grew up with a guy whose grandparents would bring us the "real" fireworks from Texas every year. by real I mean sticks of dynamite, medium range nuclear warheads, that kind of thing. Let's just say God must have really wanted us to keep all of our hands and fingers, because there is no other way to explain how that happened.

I bet Kenny is the perfect person to know when to suspect someone is cooking up a little mischief off our coast line.
Alan said…
Did you know that throwing cans of oil into the exhaust of jet engines creates a brilliant flash of light, especially at night. Not that I have ever done that. I must emphasize that this is the exhaust thereby leaving the engine usable. Throwing one into the intake will create a brilliant flash, but also produces a large quantity of metallic debris. This is not a particularly good thing to happen. The dude that did that is probably still running. I was in the test cell when he did it.
We found ourselves down by the lakefront here in Milwaukee. It was an absolutely marvelous evening. Not a cloud in the sky. Humidity very low. Temps in the upper 50s by the time it was done. Surrounded by (literally) half a million folks cooking Brats, playing catch with folks you never met. The show lasted 45 minutes and it is great with the explosions over the water. We were tired by the time we got home after midnight . . . but it was GOOD.

Bobby Valentine

P.S. Those Milwaukee Brewers are now only 2.5 games from the lead in the Central Division . . . :-)
Josh Stump said…
Bobby, that sounds absolutely ideal. It makes me want to visit Milwaukie. If I ever do, I'll be sure to look you up and let you take me to a Brewers game.
Josh Stump said…
Wow, I suppose I have officially made it as a blogger now that my blog has been spammed.

Apparently, the thinking here is that inspite of the roughly 75 emails a day I get related to those same subjects, I'm supposed to be so bowled over by my friendly neighborhood spammer offering me "regards" that I will seek out yet more information on a new home mortgage. Ugh.

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