Gibson and Douglas at the Movies

You can check you my latest Movie Review for the movie Cars over on my movie site. This time I shared the work with my oldest son Gibson and his buddy Douglas. Thanks to them, I think it is the best review on the site.
Blogger wouldn't let me post the picture of them over there, for reasons unknown, but here are the two of them when Douglas came to spend the night while his baby sister pretended to be ready to be born.


Anonymous said…
Couldn't leave a comment on the entertaiment page for the movie cars but since you mention it on your blog page I will say this is the cutest review I've ever read. What cute and clever boys you interviewed. I saw the movie and I will agree with all you said. Great movie.
Josh Stump said…
Mom, what happened on the entertainment site? Would it not let you? Is it password protected? Has anyone else had that issue?

Couldn't agree more about the boys obviously.

Thanks for the comment.
Peggy said…
The entertainment blog rejected Stumptown Mom signing in because she forgot to use the name MACTASTIC.

The movie review was outstanding. Gibson and Douglas did such an amazing job. Any other movie review just looks bad next to theirs. Yes, Josh, even yours.
I am speaking the truth.
Peggy said…
It just occured to me that perhaps Stumptown Mom is YOUR Mom, and not Tanya...but I can only say that after hearing about your childhood 4th of July Celebrations, your Mom could totally wear the name of Mactastic... or something of that nature.
Mike Lewis said…
I was able to post a comment, but I had to press the "Post a Comment" link twice.
Josh Stump said…

Stumptown Mom, is indeed my Mom, or at least someone posing as my Mom, but in any event is not my mactastic wife. I can't really get behind giving my Mom a pimp name as I find the whole notion just too wierd, but she is definitely cool enough to pull it off.
Josh Stump said…
Mike, thanks for the input. That is very strange. I will look into it. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Clearly both of those boys are the product of a very talented gene pool! I think they have a bright future providing general critiquing services. Gibson, I know, practices his craft on a minute by minute basis; "this food is sub par you know I only accept peanut butter, I will only wear pants if they have snaps down the side like Steve Nash's, and Mommy - that shirt makes you look really old". He is very obviously a natural. Someone, please pay him for his opinions!
My kids loved Cars. I did not think it was the best but it was better than Brother Bear.

Bobby Valentine
Peggy said…
Mactastic Tanya Flava!
You are once again correct as usual, proving you alone are MACTASTIC. None other could support that name!
--Suede Peggy Flex

Josh: Is this kind of commentary you envisioned when you started your blog??
What happened? You can't blame it ALL on me.
Anonymous said…
Suede Peggy Flex, I think it has been Josh's lifelong dream that I should embrace my Mactastic-ness and finally be cool like you! I am sure he is thrilled for your blog commentary to be a conduit for that transformation!
Peggy said…
Josh, the good news for you is that Summer School has started, and I AM working, so I will have far less free time to spend on pimp name generators and things of that nature.
Josh Stump said…
Peggy, that is not good news. If I ever have time to post to my blog again, I simply have to demand you continue to comment. Your finding a pimp name for my wife is a gift I will cherrish forever.

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