Making fun

I love to make fun. I mean who doesn't like fun? So here is one way to make it as I recently posted to someone else's blog comments:

Try this out, just for fun tomorrow. Whenever anyone tells you some simple fact about their life or day, smile knowingly, nod your head and say “it takes two to tango, if you know what I mean.” No one will but at least half the people you say it to won’t want to admit it and that is funny.

For example,

"Hey, how's it going? I just got the best deal on a new speed boat."

"Well, it takes two to tango if you know what I mean...."

Or, just try adding “if you know what I mean” after some obvious thing, like: I’m going out to get some milk at the store if you know what I mean.” This will freak people out, trust me. Then you have a little fun at the awkward moment and later they make fun of you for being such a dork and everyone has fun thanks to you.

Sure you will get a lot of wierd looks and people will think you are completely insane, and no one will understand why you are so amused with yourself afterward, but it will be worth it to spread the fun.

Or maybe, that's just me....hmmm.....nah.


Cheryl Russell said…
I think this is why I like you! I think this is hilarious and am totally going to do it! BUT, I don't care if anyone else gets it. I will be laughing my tail off. In fact, I will be laughing so hard knowing what I am about to do, that I probably won't even be able to do it with a serious face. I will just start laughing before it even comes out!

Kaelea Graul and I were having a similar discussion and laugh fest over the phrase, "or What?" It's just funny. Are you going to eat those, or what? Are we going to the movie, or what? Do I have a brain tumor, or what? We have been playing with it and think it's hilarious. But, maybe that's just us!
Peggy said…
Peggy: Good News! Josh has posted some new ideas on how I can torture my co-workers tomorrow.

Tim: Did Josh REALLY think you ran out of ideas? REALLY??? And how is this good news for any of your co-workers?
Stoogelover said…
Reminds me of a line from "Friends" as Joey always ended sentences with "if you know what I mean." Veronica said, "Joey, we always know what you mean."

If you know what I mean. . .
cwinwc said…
I'm always telling my wife that but for some reason it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Thurman8er said…
Well, it takes two to tango.

If you know what I mean.

Man, this might really come back to bite you in the butt.
Unknown said…
I was surprised that Steve was the first, if you know what I mean.

Not surprised that Peggy enjoys torture, if you know what I mean.

Amused that Greg still remembers any episode from friends, if you know what I mean.

Not enough knowledge to comment about Cheryl, if you know what I mean.

And mostly too tired to do real work today, if you know what I mean.
leslie said…
makes me think of 'whose line is it anyway?' where they use that 'if you know what i mean' tacked onto all kinds of sentences... brad sherwood was the best at it, raising an eyebrow, and smirking,t when he said it.

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