I was just wondering...

I would describe myself as naturally curious. Not in a way that leads me to soak up knowledge like a sponge and constantly try to better myself, but more in a way of I spend a lot of time wondering why things are the way they are. Here are a few of my recent ponderings:

1. Why are Americans fascinated by reality shows that feature some rude, angry person belittling some other person to the point that the person is in tears? American Idol, Hell’s Kitchen, that new show about dog groomers that has to be one of the signs of the end times. They all (as it would appear by the previews) rely heavily on this and are all popular (well I don’t know about the groomer show, it just started, but the format is so identical to the dozens of design, singing, modeling, etc shows before it, that it proves the point anyway. I don’t get it. Who are these people that enjoy that and why aren’t we putting them in jail or sending them to the arctic or something?

As I recently remarked to a friend: “Why would anyone want to watch "reality" tv? As I have said dozens of times, if I wanted to watch regular people being idiots and saying and doing stupid things, I already have my own life. When I sit down to watch TV I want to see beautiful people speaking the kind of eloquence that can only be gleened from a room full of sleep deprived Ivy-leaguers who live on coffee and vending machine ho-hos and dedicate their lives to making Jerry Seinfeld sound funny or Jack Bauer tough or twiggy East European fashion models who forsook their education for the runway like they have a PHD in physics. This is what I demand. I have beautiful smart people in my life (like my lovely wife and children for example) and I have drunken knuckleheads as well. When I sit down to escape which do you think I want more of?”

2. Who decorates for the rappers and pro athletes on MTV’s Cribs? If you watch that show (and you should at least once), you will see that there are lots of people running around with millions of dollars and huge beautiful homes that have less class than Paris Hilton in…..well, anywhere I guess. My wife’s comment about one home featured on that show was, “He didn’t hire decorators, he hired ‘taggers’.” That pretty much says it all. But you can tell that these things are not simply put together by the owners. Those guys would never go to the trouble of finding someone to paint a mural of them looking like Scarface or the like. I’m telling you there are decorators out there getting paid more than you and me to create some of the ugliest homes in America. How can that be?

3. Why do people on those basketball DVDs they advertise on TV state that JJ Redick is perhaps the best shooter of all time? What? He can’t get off the bench for a team not even contending for a championship and he’s the best ever? Sorry, I know I’m supposed to keep my sports talk over on the other blog, but I couldn’t help myself.

4. Why doesn’t every place that serves French fries, serve garlic fries?

5. Why don’t states have a state sandwich?

6. Why do women fuss about shoes and matching the shoes to the outfit and buy nice shoes, only to put on running shoes over their nylons with their business suit to walk from the office to their car, bus, etc.? They do realize we can still all see them when they are not in the office, right? Sure, it is more comfortable, but some of the same women that spend a lot of time and money on their clothes, presumably so they will look good or professional or whatever, then also destroy all their hard work by going outside with completely inappropriate footwear? Why? And to be perfectly clear, my wife would never do this. If you are someone who does, I’m sure you have your reasons, I would just like to know what they are

7. Why do men, who would never think of walking around out side in just their underwear, think it perfectly appropriate to go running in those awful, tiny, wispy, short running shorts? You know what I’m talking about, I know you do. Again, you realize we can all still see you even though you are running, right? In fact, we see you all too well. Do you think that you can run so fast, we won’t notice? Do you think we don’t mind seeing your pasty upper thigh just because it is more comfortable for you? Because, we mind.

8. Where do some people get the arrogance to sit back in judgment and nit-pick other people for their and others’ amusement? I mean, you talk to some people and read their blogs or whatever and they are always, “why do some people do this” or “why do some people wear that?” As if they know better what should be worn, eaten, viewed on TV, etc. It’s obnoxious. I just don’t get what drives those people.

9. Why does soda come in both cans and bottles for individual portions? I can see why you would need a bottle if you are buying a lot, but why do we need both for a single serving? Would there be an uproar if they did away with one? For the record, cans are better.

10. What happened to Nicholas Cage that has made it impossible for him to star in a good movie while it seems nearly impossible for Tom Hanks to star in a bad one? Is it really that hard to know the difference between a good script and a bad one?

Ok, that's all for now. Back to work.


Unknown said…
The face of American politics would change for the better if we forced the candidates to tackles these questions.
Unknown said…
Good points Josh, as for #6...while I agree the athletic shoes over nylons is horrendous(by the way this is called "secretaring-it") if you have ever walked several blocks in heels you kinda get their point. While I will wear flip-flops in the summer to and from work and my comfty casual shoes in the winter I would NEVER I repeat NEVER wear a skirt/nylon/athletic shoe combo.
Josh Stump said…
Randy, I could not agree more. Wouldn't you watch a debate between major candidates if I were moderating and asking questions like, "seriously, you've worn that same boring tie for like 3 weeks senator, why do you do that? Why do you only go with little dots or thin rep stripes? Do you choose your ties or did some focus group tell you that makes you seem more presidential because it really just makes you seem boring and without style. How do you respond? ....not you, I'll get to you and your position on spandex outer-garments in a moment." I mean, who wouldn't watch that?

Sarah, you raise a good point about me never having had to wear high-heels and I'm glad to hear you are not an offender in this way. My point is just you need to wear shoes that are appropriate for the outfit and activity. The activity of your work day is not sitting at your desk. It is sitting at your desk and walking to and from the office and going out for lunch and maybe even out for dinner or drinks later. All of that should be considered when choosing footwear. If you have a pair of shoes that you can not wear at the office and walking to and from, get new shoes. Men's dress shoes are not as uncomfortable as women's I'm sure, but still you don't see me putting on my Jordans with my suit for the walk to MAX. I wear shoes that are comfortable enough to get me to and from as well as sit in the office. If you can't take that in your shoes, either get over it, get new shoes, change your outfit completely before leaving or abandon vanity altogether and never spend a moment or dime more than you have to on your appearance. Those are pretty much your only options.

I'm still trying to figure out where I stand on your flipflops comment and will need more facts before judging you. Also, I will probably need to consult with my wife who is the real family expert on all of this.
Peggy said…
Regarding Reality TV: I have had numerous people tell me that if they could tune in and watch "The Peggy Show" they would never miss an episode.

See how lucky Tim is?

May I add to your rant people who go everywhere in pajamas. Not kidding--a mom arrived at school Monday morning and walked her child to class wearing pajamas, robe and slippers. I am not talking about a curbside drop off, I am talking about parking the car, walking in, and talking to staff.

I did NOT want to watch THAT show, but I was forced to.
Josh Stump said…
Wow, PJs in public. Let's hope that's not the beginning of a new trend. When it is just one ore two people doing it, it is easier to see the explaination. Why would someone take their kid into class in their pajamas? Because they're crazy, that's why. See? simple.
Unknown said…
Josh, I have seen your shoe collection so I do believe that you do have an appropriate shoe for EVERY situation.

One point I would like to add is that some of my less than comfortable shoes are so stink'n cute I must wear them in the office however since I am not required to run laps during work they are tolerable during the day.

Also, combining heels and happy hour could be a deadly combination :)
Josh Stump said…
Sarah, as to your first point, I am sure I have no idea what you could be talking about.

As to your second point, believe me, I am not on a mission to have people wear more comfortable shoes at the cost of anything that is "stink'n cute." I'm actually advocating people just get over the discomfort of their nice looking shoes and wear them outside.

As to your third point, that is precisely the reason I don't wear heals.
Anonymous said…
Since it has been requested that I weigh in on the shoe debate, here I am. First, Sarah, I am so proud of you for removing your flip flops upon entering your workplace. You already know my position on that and I will attempt to refrain from getting fired up about my disdain for flip flops here! (though I am still mad that we can no longer politely call them "thongs" as we did during my childhood.)

Being that I own one or two (!) pairs of less than comfortable shoes, I am not at all opposed to wearing a more sensible pair of shoes on the train or for the trek to work. HOWEVER I am willing to undergo a significant amount of discomfort as the price of beauty and have been known to wear really ridiculous shoes for amazing amounts of time. BUT the more important point here is the fact that there are some very attractive and elegant comfortable dress shoes that could be worn as interim foot wear during the ride to and from work. It is not a big deal to change out of one and into the "stinkin cute" pair once you get to work so why not wear attractive comfortable ones that do not require the dreaded socks over nylons rather than your ratty running shoes you bought 15 years ago? For goodness sake, how about a nice pair of black leather kneeboots for the commute? (Provided you are not endowed with stilt like legs and cannot FIND boots to venture all the way to your knee.) Then you can wear whatever goofy socks you want and stop offending my husband on the train.

I would TIVO every single episode of the Crazy Peggy show and force everyone I know to watch it.

I have also thought that a reality TV show chronicling families potty training their male children would be very entertaining. If people want to see yelling and people being made to cry, man it doesn't get better than that.
Peggy said…
Mactastic, remember the shoes I wore to Becky's wedding? When I bought them, they were awful cute, but by the end of the day, they were just awful.
I gladly put them in the trash after wearing them ONE DAY.
Be gone from my presence, Medieval torture implements! You have been cast into the pit!

I really said that.

Why do some shoes turn on you?

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