God is good all the time

Those words (the title) are tough to write whenever you get really, really bad news. But I know I am going to have to lean extra hard on my faith in the coming days and so I made myself write those words to remind myself that I believe it.

My Dad got the results of a recent CT scan today and the doctors told him that his cancer has returned. He has a spot on his colon and on his liver. If you are new to this blog, my Dad recently had surgery to remove a large malignant tumor. We knew the cancer was likely to return someday, but this was a pretty terrible shock to our family as it came much sooner than any of us expected and of course, we all secretly allowed ourselves to hope that it would never come back at all.

But it is back and this time they can't operate. Surgery doesn't work on this cancer once it returns. Fortunately, there is a drug that has a fairly good track record as cancer fighting drugs go, against this type of tumor and another drug to try if that first one doesn't work. These drugs often work quite well and sometimes will actually basically disolve the newly forming tumors. It is our prayer tonight that we can cut through the red tape of insurance and our healthcare system and get these drugs immediately and, even more, that they work well and fast.

Please pray for my family. It will help.


Sharie said…
Rest assured that the praying has already begun at our house, and undoubtedly at many, many houses in Oregon and beyond. Don't allow yourself to lose hope. Please do keep us updated on Ron, and we'll pray that he gets gleevec and that it does what it was designed to do. In the meantime, we're praying for the whole family. For healing, peace, and comfort.
Peggy said…
The One who loves your Dad more than anybody already has everything under control.

No matter the day to day circumstances, you msy confidently rely on this fact.

You and your family will not be moved, you will not be shaken.

We love you.
Stoogelover said…
Oh my, Josh. So saddened to hear this about your dad. Brings back the memories of that same news regarding my father ... some 18 - 20 years ago. Will have you and family in prayer.
leslie said…
we've already begun here as well.
Thurman8er said…
Josh, I am SO sorry to hear that news. Your family, especially your dad, will be in my prayers.
cwinwc said…
I am so sorry Josh. It makes my recent removal as a coordinator of a week of Bible Camp by the Board of the Central Florida Bible Camp due to our upcoming merger with our local Christian Church seem very minor.

One month before we moved into this home where I had built a Mother-in-Law Apartment for my mother, we got the word that her cancer was back and she died a month later. My prayers are with you my yet "un-met" but beloved brother in blogging.

You gave me a song to encourage me. I'll return the favor by reminding you of the lyrics from "Blessed Be Your Name."

He gives and takes away.
My heart will learn to say.
Lord blessed be your Name.

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