
My Dad appears set to come home tomorrow. The eating is going well and that was the last issue keeping him in the hospita. The doctors told him that he will be able to go home tomorrow which will allow him to see his dog again, get some fresh air, eat his favorite foods, sleep in his bed and all those little things that we all take for granted every day. Ok, well we don't all see his dog and sleep in his bed, but you get the idea.

Anyway, that's the latest. We're all very excited.


Wendy Power said…
Fantastic! I'm going to keep praying, for speedy healing and zero complications from here on out.
Peggy said…
Absolutely wonderful news! His body can somewhat heal in the hospital, but body and spirit cannot completely heal until he comes home.
Dorothy was right, there is no place like home.
leslie said…
will continue prayers..and praise.
Anonymous said…
Wow, this has certainly been an ordeal. I am thankful that your dad is doing better and will get to return home. We are praying for continued recovery.

Thanks for keeping us posted. Let the ranting begin....

Anonymous said…
I am so thrilled to hear the news about Ron going home. I have been following all the blogs. This is great!! Tell your Dad and Mom that we are screaming a big Waaaahooo too!!!
cwinwc said…
As I might say when my son get a hit in a game, "Thats what I'm talking about!"

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