Good News

Sorry for the lack of information. Here's just a few quick bits about my Dad's status.

  • Everyone is now reasonably certain that my Dad will not have to have additional surgery. Praise God.
  • The CT scan did not show a blockage and the build up in fluid was apparently simply due to the body not waking up as quickly as they thought it might after surgery to allow things to get flowing again.
  • They spent the day today running a test where they clamp off the tube that is down his throat sucking out his stomach contents, for 4 hours and then run the tube for a while to see how much is staying in the stomach and not passing on. I did not hear the full day's results, but early returns were looking very positive.
  • My understanding is that if these tests keep going well, they may remove the tube tomorrow which would be a tremendous blessing.
  • Removing the tube means he could ease back into eating. I imagine that means liquids for a day or so and then soft solid foods. If that goes well, then it is time to go home.
  • I think that means there is some chance he could be home even as early as Tuesday or Wednesday, unless there is something I don't know.
  • Monday will be 21 consecutive days in the hospital. Ugh.
  • The incision has minor infection that they are treating, but otherwise seems to be healing well and though the tube and the PICC line and everything else provides plenty of discomfort, my Dad's pain is not too bad these days.

Thank you all again for all your prayers. Keep them coming.


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