Getting Close

I actually think my Dad is finally close to going home. Hallelujah!!!

Today he ate something other than clear liquids for the first time in 2 weeks. Milkshake, pudding, soup, all the good stuff. At last report this evening, everything was going well.

The stomach tube should come out tomorrow and then he can eat actual real food. To be honest, I think he is more nervous about that prospect than excited. After the nightmare of the tube and the longer than expected recovery and the horrible fluid build up, he is naturally anxious about removing the tube that was so painful to put in and test out a GI tract that hasn't exactly been cooperative lately. That said, the doctors think he's ready and like what they've seen the last couple days, so tomorrow should be the day.

If everything goes well, he could be coming home by Wednesday or maybe even Tuesday, though I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

I have been happy to dedicate this blog to being a place where people who care about my family can come for reports on my Dad's progress, but I have to admit that I look forward to getting back to ranting and raving about the meaningless and the absurd. I don't begrudge the reporting, but I will be happy for this whole ordeal to be history.

Thank you as always for your prayers and comments. They have meant alot.


cwinwc said…
I can certainly understand your Dad's hesitation concerning the tube removal. We'll continue praying that all is going well.
Peggy said…
What a roller coaster ride this has been for your family. I am hoping that from now on healing and recovery are quick and complete with no more setbacks. Your Dad needs to go home, and your Mom needs to have him there. And that is how I am praying.
A family in Eugene loves you still...
That is good news. It is a one-day-at-a-time situation (or a one-meal-at-a-time situation, to be more precise). He'll certainly appreciate food more after this whole thing than he ever did before! What great timing that they now have a new kitchen waiting for them at home. We continue to pray.

You are a blessing!

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