Some things just don't get old

There are at least 2 things every episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos includes. One, is incredibly cheesy and un-funny jokes by the host who usually delivers them as if to say, “I’m as embarrassed as you are right now, just laugh so I don’t have to pimp myself out to D-list celebrity reality shows.” Two, is at least one video of some guy taking a shot below the belt. There are some things that just never get old to the American televiewing audience. Guys taking a “low blow” might be near the top of the list for reasons I will never fully understand and don’t even want to contemplate really. And it joins other timeless favorites like: gameshows, Regis, stalking and abusing famous people and calling it journalism, cop shows and any show about anyone who is wealthy.

Of course there are some things that old quickly, like those Taco Bell commercials with the little dog (though no one told Taco Bell) or the Enterprise car rental commercials with all the people who are mysteriously bursting with happiness over the opportunity to rent a car. But there are some things that we the public and we as individuals just don’t seem to tire of no matter how much we get. For no reason whatsoever, here are just some of the things that make my list. I can’t tell you why, but I just don’t get tired of these things and I’ve tried. Believe me, I have run these things into the ground and try as I might, they just don’t get old.

What’s on your list?

In no particular order, here are just a few:

My wife’s smile – for obvious reasons to anyone who has seen it and for those who haven’t words don’t do it justice, so I won’t bother

Seinfeld – I seriously have seen every episode 3-5 times at least and I keep watching.

Playing, watching or talking about basketball – Any time, any place, I can’t get enough

Curly Fries – Note – I don’t mean regular fries cut to be curly, I mean those special battered ones that have sort of an unnatural orangish coating. Mmmm, mmm, good.

My kids coming to greet me when I get home from work – Sadly, this stopped long before it could get old, which of course, it could not. Now my oldest still gives me a hug if he’s not too busy and my youngest has taken to immediately informing me in as stern a voice as a 2 year old can muster “I no hug Daddy.” So, now I’m looking forward to the teen years when my boys will return to the days of enthusiastic and expressive love for their dear old dad.

Tivo – If there is anything you ever want to know about Tivo and you have right around 3 hours, please, please ask me. Otherwise, never bring it up in my presence. You’ve been warned. It is seriously the greatest thing since…oh wait. I can’t get started. Never mind.

The Godfather trilogy – Mostly the first two, but third isn’t as bad as everyone said. I watch the first two every year at least once and I never get tired of it. They are the greatest movie ever made and it isn’t even an arguable point so don’t even try.

Simon and Garfunkle….mostly Simon – I started listening to them when my Dad would play his albums (for younger readers, Google “vinyl” “record” and “ancient music storage media” for explanation about what this is), and then I listened to them all through college as if hearing them for the first time as I understood more and more of the poetry and now I listen to them with my boys and never find it getting old. Now the intros to Mrs. Robinson or Cecilia create an almost pavlovian response inducing feelings of comfort and happiness

Getting new sneakers – I have lots. Way more than I need especially given my shamefully sedentary lifestyle. Yet, I keep buying more. I may need an intervention.

The opening to that Hey Ya song by Outkast – Just makes me happy every time I hear it.

The Hymn O Sacred Head - only been trying to get old for about 500 years

My son Griffin’s “knock knock” jokes where the punch line is always “Daddy.” (e.g. “knock knock” – “Who’s there?” – “Apple” – “Apple who?” – “DADDY!” – uncontrollable giggling)

There are many more of course, especially when it comes to my family, but I just want to throw a few out there and see what makes your list.


Alan said…
Barney Fife. Tim Conway. Bob Dylan as well as Simon and Garfunkle. I have to second Seinfeld. A live set of the Grateful Dead to which I have recently added the String Cheese Incident. I still have some vinyl left, but it doesn't hold the thrill it once did. I prefer the cds. Time with Jordan and Madeline.

By the way...Little Jerry Seinfeld is one lean, mean, pecking machine.
Anonymous said…
The feeling of clean sheets, a new pair of red shoes, my son's saying "Mommy, I love youuuuu", my son's going to Grandmas, fresh made fudge, the Wonderwoman Theme song, a chocolate covered orange martini.
leslie said…
colin and ryan on whose line. belly laughs (anyone's). ditto curly fries. fur elise. emily dickinson. maynard's voice (tool/perfect circle). a well played pro-hockey game (where the men can actually skate). fair food. my wedding intro. aspen trees in the fall and the clacking sound of their leaves. natalya's hand in mine; her weight when i hold her. sean's enthusiasm for topics he's passionate about; and his uncontrollable outbursts of laughter in a movie theater (i jump out of my skin every time).
I love that "Hey Ya" song start, too. In fact, I love any music that puts a smile on your face. The entire ABBA portfolio fits into this category.

Beautiful colors, pictures, painting, buildings, landscapes, and other things that you look at.

There was a time when I'd say Sydney Bristow and Alias, but perhaps I am over that now.
Thurman8er said…
Watching people run circles around the baseball bat and try to run a straight line.


The closing credits from "The Empire Strikes Back."

Watching, talking about, and thinking about baseball.

The chicken crispers at Chili's.

The original Star Trek. (Saw the new commercial with Shatner as Kirk last night and almost flipped out. Fortunately it was Tivo'd.)

Any song with a Clapton guitar solo.

Aaron Sorkin dialogue.

Those "coming home hugs."

Too many more to keep writing about when I need to get to work.
Peggy said…
"To Kill a Mockingbird."

My childrem's faces...even though they are now 23 and (nearly) 21 years of age, I am always fascinated by looking at their faces and talking to them.

cwinwc said…
I'll add:
Watching my son play baseball.

Mexican food

Going to Greg's just before the Pepperdine Lectures.

Mexican food

Northern Exposure t.v. series

Any thing Star Trek

Landscaping, I mean playing golf
Josh Stump said…
Back to back Barney Fife references? Who knew?

Good lists all around. I can't leave a longer comment because I'm still patting myself on the back for this blog idea. Not because the post was good, but because of the answers it generated.

Plus now I have a new ice-breaker for any small group discussion I find myself leading in the near future. And by "near future" I mean Wednesday.

Also, Leslie, welcome to the blog. Good to have you.

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