Li v. Tyson

I have no time to do a full post today, but wanted to toss this out there. I saw Jet Li's "Fearless" last night. I'll post a movie review over on my movie site, maybe in the wee hours of the night tonight, but for now give me your thoughts on this.

Martial Arts movies usually show a lot of really cool fighting. I mean, that's why we love them. It's certainly not for Jet Li's acting chops. That said, I find myself primarily thinking, "that looks cool and all, but that would never work in a real fight that wasn't choreographed." I'm not even talking about the wire work. I'm talking about certain flips, kicks and punches that seem to only be of value if the opponent does just what you want. I also see a lot of stuff that makes me think, "wait, why did one quick elbow to that guy's gut with no wind up at all from a guy who is about 5'2" and 135 at the most, just completely incapacitate that guy or render him unconscious?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all saying martial arts don't work in real life or anything like that. I just don't see in the movies a lot that convinces me that someone as small as Jet Li, could in fact defeat another fighter (as opposed to just some random guy) that is 3 times his size. I'm not saying I think Li couldn't do it, I'm just saying I haven't seen anything in his movies that makes me think he could.

I think if Tyson in his youthful prime went against Li in his in a ring with a fight to the surrender, I have a hard time seeing Li last for more than a few moments. I mean, Tyson could surely withstand a flurry of blows enough to get close enough for one good shot and then the fight's over right? I mean, am I missing something here? Movies are movies, but I think people honestly believe that these tiny martial artists could defeat all comers regardless of weightclass and I just have a hard time with that. At some point, size and strength has to matter right? What do you think?


Anonymous said…
It is all about pressure points Grasshopper! Mr. Spock knew, Yoda knew, Mr. Miagi knew. Sure Danielsan, blindly lashing out with an anvil fisted blow could mess you up but a well placed Mr. Spock hand on the back of your neck could have you screamin for your Mama!
Peggy said…
I am unable to comment, I have gone into a severe downward spiral. My building Principal STRONGLY REQUESTED I fax a request for deferal to the Circuit Court because of recent staff changes in our building, and sadly, my request was approved.
I will be summoned again in January 2007.
I am utterly defeated.
John Roberts said…
You probably don't think Superman can fly either! Unbeliever, repent! I always wondered why the bad guys didn't just shoot Walker, Texas Ranger, instead of trying to take him on in a fight.
cwinwc said…
According to “Mr. Miyagi” – “Best way to block punch Daniel-son, don’t be there.” I rest my block not to be included with my head.
Thurman8er said…
I had trouble understanding your post because, as I read it, the words were out of sync with my lips.
Josh Stump said…
Mactastic, Brilliant.

Peggy, I'm devavstated. I was counting on getting lots of good stories for my business law class. Now I'm going to have to ask you to just make some up.

Stoogelover, good to have a resident expert. Do you think that your techniques would allow you to defend yourself adequately regardless of the size and strength of your oppoenent?

John, how bad guys behave in movies could be a whole blog topic on its own. Why does a group fight one at a time? Why can't any of them aim a gun? Why does a single punch render them unconscious?

Cwinwc, "SWEEP THE LEG!!"

Steve, nice. "Fearless" had subtitles rather than the always amusing dubbed diologue. Unfortunately that led to things like a whole crowd chearing and going nuts and screaming with unbridled passion and the words "Great" "Really Great" flashing on the screen. Remeniscent of the "neato" scene from Anchorman.

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