Music anyone?

If you look to the left of the screen, you will find something called a widget and on the widget, you will find that the much anticipated (by me) Westside PraiseTeam CD is now available for purchase. As you may know from reading this blog, this CD is the praise team I sing with at Westside Church of Christ singing 10 original a capella praise and worship songs written by me and my good friend Jennifer Davis. I enjoy listening to the CD, but the music is really intended to be sung. So, if you are involved with a Church wherever you live (and I hope you are), I would encourage you to check out the CD and see if any of these songs migh be appropriate to use in your own worship service. All sale proceeds go back to Westside CofC. Enjoy.


Peggy said…
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Josh Stump said…
Peggy, I agree she always looks good.

For those of you reading these comments about our fantastic cover art, this is merely sour grapes that we did not go with Peggy's submissions for our cover which I will find and post to this blog. I think you will find that Jeremy's beautiful painting was the right choice, but I will let you be the judge.
Peggy said…
Mactastic looks amazing in the photo and if I did not know her at all I would totally want to hang out with her based on that photo alone.

Your cover art is great, but I still have a chip on my shoulder about losing.
cwinwc said…
Congrats on finishing the C.D. I'll take a look see after I get over the way the Sooners are cramming the ball down the Gators throats.

UF has had 2 remarkable goal-line stands.

How about my Dwight (Superman) Howard led Orlando Magic?
Stoogelover said…
That facial hair looks frighteningly too much like a certain R*ndy Wr*y we all know and love!
Peggy said…
Attention everyone on the planet: My CD just arrived in the mail and if you do not order at least one copy for yourself right now you will regret it the rest of your life.
I am not kidding, its just that good.
Josh Stump said…
Thank you Peggy. I appreciate it. The CD has been getting a good response which is really fun. Glad you like it.
the other peggy said…
Just received the CD. It's absolutely fabulous! Great job!

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