
Hello all. Sort of a hodge-podge of things today which is good since I like using the word hodge-podge whenever possible. I also enjoy donnybrook, hooligans and couscous which has the makings of a great short-story writing assignment. Find your 3 favorite words to say and make them the theme of a story. Who wouldn’t want to read a story about a donnybrook featuring some hooligans where couscous was prominently involved?

Aaaak…I’ve already digressed and I hadn’t even gressed yet. Sorry.

Even More Music – Check out Mike Cope’s blog today and you will discover that Mr. Cope has excellent taste in music. Thanks to Tony and Jennifer for spreading the word on our music project. If, you are reading this and going “what music project”, then welcome to my blog, it is good to have first time readers. The CD has been very well received. The amount of people who have said nice things about it to me and to others has really blown me away. Here I thought I was serving God by leading my Church in worship and by leading a music ministry and it turns out God was really using it to tell me He loves me. He is always doing that. About the time I think I am making some sacrifice for my faith, it turns out that I am the one being blessed. Weird.

In Your Face(book) – So, a few months ago someone invited me to join facebook. I have had a love/hate relationship with this social networking site, but lately we are “on again.” It is an amazing tool for finding long lost friends. It is also too much. There are too many people I care about and want to know about and can not possibly keep up with. Oh the stress of virtual friends. I also have a few suggestions for ways to improve facebook….

….I’ll give you a second to be done feigning surprise….Ok, and on we go....

1. Enemies – I think, like in real life, you should have more categories for people than “friends.” I would love to get a message some time saying, “Bill has invited you to be his enemy on Facebook.” Or, “you may know Jim, you have 17 mutual ‘bitter rivals”.”
2. Face requirements – You should be required to have a picture of yourself on your provile somewhere. Otherwise, how can I know whether you are the “John Smith” or whoever that I’m looking for? And you should be able to see the pictures large enough to know whether it is of a person or a small carpet stain before you go through the friend thing. As you know by now I am much more into what makes things better for me than I am for other people’s personal freedoms.

Ok, that’s enough for now.

Rapid fire Movie Reviews:

1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bank – Pretty good rental. Downey is great as always. Love the title
2. Love in the Time of Cholera (or something like that)…not so much. “Romantic lead” was an emotional infant stalker who “showed his love” for the “she’s just not that into you” female lead by sleeping with every woman in central America.
3. Mama Mia – I hear the live production is great, and I beleive it. In movies, people doing ordinary things and then suddenly bursting into song makes me embarrassed for them. When it happens on stage it is fun and when it happens in my living room, it is great, but in movies, it makes me feel like punching my television.
4. Across the Universe – Hypocrite warning – also a musical based on a pop band of yesteryear, but this one worked. Fun to watch especially if you have ever wondered what LSD would be like in a controlled environment.
5. The Dark Knight – Awesome. Seriously…awesome. “Why so serious?” (shiver)
6. Gran Torino – You know how you watched Office Space and just knew there were thousands of people trapped working for lame companies in a cubicle cheering? Well this was just like that except swap the trapped office drones for grumpy old men not ready to be put out to pasture. Good stuff.
7. The Tale of Despereaux – Decent, not great. Cool animation. Story went nowhere. My kids were bored.
8. Valkyrie – It worked. It was nothing special, but it was nice to see the more human side of the Germans for a change. I always respect movies that can keep the suspense up even when you know how it ends.
9. Quantum of Solace – Loved it. This new team making Bond movies should win some kind of medal for rescuing that franchise.
10. Burn After Reading – Worth seeing, but given what I hope for from the Cohens, pretty disappointing. Still, I don’t care what anyone says, Brad Pitt is one of the top 5 actors of his generation….at least.


Anonymous said…
Admit it. You liked Mama Mia. At least you had the opportunity to laugh OUTLOUD every time Pierce Brosnan embarrassingly gargled out his overly intense songs. What does a former James Bond have to do to get a voice over? They dubbed George Clooney in Oh Brother. He can't have been any worse than Remmington Steele can he?
Josh Stump said…

Except for the first two sentences, that comment is so dead on. Daniel Craig would never do such a thing.
Tam said…
I have to admit I "forced" Clint to watch Mama Mia with me and was completely horrified! When Pierce opened his mouth and sang, I turned to Clint and said, "Wow he really can't sing, can he?". We had some good laughs at his expense, too. I saw Mama Mia on stage and I can say it was 100x's better than the movie!
Stoogelover said…
You're back! Since we watch a LOT of movies (Netflix), I always appreciate your recommendations. Lord knows I've rented enough that looked good and were a total waste of time.
Thurman8er said…
Missed you this weekend. I was there when Mike gave the endorsement though...so that was cool.

I wish I had the time to go see movies. It's just very rare that I get to go. Having said that, you have to explain why you enjoyed Quantum. I've never been bored during a Bond movie before...but I was that night. I admit, Casino Royale had my expectations pretty high.
Peggy said…
I challenge you to do a movie review where you made a snack recommendation for each movie. The snack would be telling all by itself. If you say watch this one with a cheese sandwich on white bread with no mayo, that reveals a lot. As opposed to watch this movie with a large platter of spicy hot wings.
Or something like that.
Anonymous said…
Good call Peggy, except that Josh really only has one movie snack of choice. He makes the best popcorn since Orville Redenbocker and maybe better than his. At least he has a better haircut.
So don't be surprised if every good movie gets a popcorn recommendation and the bad ones get a brussel sprout.
jhp said…
You need to see Slumdog Millionaire. Excellent movie!
Josh Stump said…
Tam, I am not at all surprised by that comment. I can not imagine that is one of Clint's new favorites.

SL, Good to know. Feel free to inquire about any movie you are considering. I have opinions about all of them, including the ones I have not seen.

Thurman, Interesting that you liked one and not the other. I will do a full blown review when it comes out on DVD.

Peggy, Fantastic idea. All my reviews will now include a snack recommendation.

Mac, Thanks. mmmmmm...popcorn...

Jhp, So I hear. It is definitely at the top of my list, but I only go out to movies for guys night out where there is a strict code requiring shooting and explosions and whatnot. On the rare occasions I get to go out with my lovely wife, she prefers something other than the movies. So, I may have to wait for video.

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