Dad Update

Just a quick update…

As many of you know, my Dad was able to see his Oncologist today. He confirmed that there were new tumors (or at least newly visible tumors) on the liver. There are 6-7 at least. Two of them have grown rather large rather quickly. My Dad doubled the dose of his medication with the hope that it will shrink these tumors. If that does not work, there is another drug he can take and we will again look into the procedure he had done in May that fried the last large liver tumor.

He will have another CT on Friday with a follow up appointment next Wednesday. If the tumors are shrinking he will likely just keep the Gleevac at a high dose and monitor. That is the best case scenario. If the tumors are still growing, we will likely switch the drug and consult with the surgeon about the tumor blasting.

So, there are still a variety of promising options. For now we are praising God that my Dad is actually feeling good again which we hope is a sign that the higher dose of medicine is working, but if not, it is at least good to feel good.

Thank you all for your prayers, emails, blog comments. They have meant everything to me. Please keep it up.


I am not sure what answer I was expecting, but a mix of caution and hope seems to be the take-away from today's update. Perhaps God is staging a huge, dramatic miracle here - that is what we are praying for, of course.
Peggy said…
Go Gleevac, Go!
We are so glad to hear that Ron has encouraging treatment options and is having good days.
We will pray that the Gleevac works quickly and effectively.
Cheryl Russell said…
Thanks for the update. We will keep those prayers going. Blessings to you and many more good days!

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