
Almost 2 months and nothing on this blog. That's a shame. Where have I been you may ask? Keeping the world safe for corporate America of course.

Before a brief update on things, I thought I would share one of the signs thoughtfully translated into English for the benefit of western athletes. Let's hope none of them are "liquor heads."

Work has been incredibly busy which is good for the career, bad for blogging.

Meanwhile let's quickly catch you up:

My Dad had an MRI this last week and everything looks good. Praise God.

My youngest brother Enoch got married to his girlfriend Amanda. It was good to see the family who gathered for the event. I wish I got to see them more.

Westside (my Church family) has hired a new preaching minister to team up with my Dad in the ministry hear. His name is Aaron Metcalf and I am very excited about both him and his family joining us.

We finally got to sing the song I wrote for my lovely wife to sing at Church and I loved it. Our Praise Team is planning to record a CD consisting primarily of songs I and other praise team members have written. Very exciting.

Olympics start tonight (really this morning) and I am unusually interested and excited this year. Not sure why. Maybe it is because the world chose such a deserving city to host....no, that can't be it....hmmmm. Really I don't care why. Just looking forward to it.

Tonight football season officially begins when the 49ers play their first preseason game against the Raiders. Yipeee.

Hopefully, now that I've broken the silence, I will get back to blogging. But 4 large trials in the next 3 months could interefere.


cwinwc said…
Could to have you back. Although we've missed you we'll join you in being happy for being busy.

I'm an Olympics fan as well. Cool to see that little boy walking with Yao at the Opening Ceremonies.

When you produce your "homespun" Praise Team C.D., let us know how we can get a copy.

We'll end with a southern "that's what I'm talking about" in praise of your Dad's good news. God is good all the time.
jhp said…
I was wondering what happened to you. We are extremely excited about the Olympics this year because our next door neighbor is Kara Goucher. She is running in the 10K and 5K, and she has a shot at a medal. We went down to Eugene for the Trials to watch her qualify, and she is awesome.

Glad to hear the good news about your dad.
Anonymous said…

It's great to hear from you after so long!

We watched the entire opening ceremonies last night and were impressed. We sat here with an open world atlas so we could look up all of the countries we had no clue about, and there were a good many of them.

Good luck with your trials coming up. I've been writing about my law school years the past couple of weeks on my blog and hope to write about some of my legal career experiences afterward. It was an exciting and very interesting life while it lasted.

Cheers & Blessings to you all today!

Josh Stump said…
cwinwc, thanks. I've missed blogging. Yao and the little boy was very cool indeed. Believe me when we get our PT recorded, I'll be pushing it on everyone I know. It will likely be quite obnoxious.

jhp, Go Kara!! A new reason to root for her. Very cool.

Dee, thanks. It was actually your comment that shook me from my blog hibernation. Now I just need to try to sustain it.
Cheryl Russell said…
Yeay! Your back! We are loving the Olympics. The mens's relay, when the U.S. snuck up and over France was excellent! That is why the Olympics are so great. I have also enjoyed reading all the articles about the Olympics, there are some funny ones about the pollution on the internet. Ahhh, good stuff!
Cheryl Russell said…
One more thing, we are excited to hear about your dad. Praise God!
Stoogelover said…
Great news about your dad ... I've prayed for him. Perhaps you need to talk with the managing attorney at your firm and explain to him that all these cases and trials are interfering with your responsibilities to this blog audience. I'm sure he/she will understand!

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