More on the Olympics...

1. Do you think Walsh and Misty are disappointed they got dubbed “The Golden Girls”? I mean it’s cool to be thought of along with the gold medal, but do two twenty something beach girls who play sports in their underwear really want to be connected with….well….the Golden Girls?

2. Since the US avenged their hoops loss to Greece with an easy win last night, I thought I would pile on by noting how many Greek names sound like a medical condition for which a balm or salve might be in order. “Hey, man why are you walking like that?” “Dude, I have the worst case of ‘Schortsanitis’ ever.”

3. Like everyone everywhere except for in France I am in awe of Michael Phelps. Not because of his exploits in the pool which are ok I guess, but for his breakfast menu. According to Costas (who knows all), Phelps’ daily morning meal includes: 3 full fried egg sandwiches with cheese and all the fixin’s (by the way, there is no such word as “fixings”, it must be “fixin’s” Don’t try to argue with me about this), an omelet, a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and, ironically enough, “French” toast. He eats all that and still has women melting like butter on a shortstack whenever he takes off that ridiculous women’s swimsuit he wears. He’s my hero.

4. I’m not making this up. I noticed that for beach volleyball, they have a bug boy instead of a ball boy like you might see in tennis. There is a person with a large net who races onto the court and scoops up large bugs that might interfere with gameplay in between points. Why don’t you just go ahead and add “bugs large enough to disrupt a volleyball match” as reason number 412 I’m not moving to Beijing. Speaking of beach volleyball, have you noticed there are cheerleaders? There are many odd things about that. First, the actual athletes dress like cheerleaders. Second, they never show them doing routines on TV, I have just caught glimpses of them standing in a line. Why? Is it a secret? Third, they don’t seem to be there to lead the crowd in cheers for any particular team….soooooo…..what is the point exactly? If they are, (please excuse the expression) just eye candy, then why not show them on TV or on the other hand, why have them at an Olympic event in the first place? If they serve some other function, what is it? What could it possibly be? I’m flummoxed.

5. In the mounting evidence against gymnastics as a valid Olympic sport, there is a now a brouhaha over whether the Chinese gymnasts were old enough to perform. Really? Old enough? First, how dare you suggest that the Chinese might lie about something concerning the Olympics. That could never happen. Second, if you are an American gymnast and you just got beat, isn’t that bad enough without people accusing them of being your little sister’s age. I mean in what other sport, would you hear someone say, “hey no fair, Bobby is only 12, there is no way we can beat him, we’re already in highschool.” Insanity.

6. I think they should have a new Olympic event to replace the Decathalon or maybe just as a new “athalon” of some number. Here’s how it would work. Each country chooses their top 3 athletes from any sport and then 5 or 6 Olympic events are chosen at random and they all must compete in them against each other. I mean, if you turned on your TV and heard the announcer say, “Now for the US on floor exercise, Lebron James” or “Tyson Gay is on the top platform about to attempt his first dive and is sobbing and refusing to jump in the pool”, is there any way you wouldn’t watch? If you consider it objectively, I really should be running the Olympics.

7. If you know me at all, you know that I love my DVR like Phelps loves breakfast. But never have I enjoyed it more than during the Olympics. By the time I sit down to watch, I usually have about 20 hours of coverage cued up and can simply pick and choose what events I want to watch commercial free. Let’s just say that male synchronized diving is best watched at 4x fast forward.

8. My lovely wife thinks it sounds silly that they keep saying “the games of the Olympiad” and I agree. In honor of that somewhat hokey description, tomorrow during my scheduled depositions, I am going to try to work the word “Olympiad” into conversation as much as possible. For example, “would you say you are trying to turn this case into your own little private Olympiad?” or “how would you say this document compares to something that might occur at an Olympiad?” I’m looking forward to it.

9. As you watch these swimmers break record after record isn’t there some part of you that wonders if they are using performance enhancing drugs? I hate to even say it, but how can you not wonder given Track and Field, cycling, Baseball, etc? That’s the legacy of cheaters. Doubting greatness. Thanks a lot cheaters!

10. Is there a mascot for this Olympiad? Some person dressed as a friendly panda or something? Have I just missed it? I mean, if they have cheerleaders, don’t they have to have a mascot who is contractually obligated to ride on an oversized tricycle or randomly attach an audience member with silly string? Is this going on and if so, why don’t we get to see it? Maybe he’s hanging out at team handball.


cwinwc said…
I'm glad we beat the Geeks, I mean Greeks. In fact we would have been the "Geeks" if we had lost to Greece again. You think this really is the "Redeem Team?"

USA Men's Volleyball just beat Bulgaria 3 games to 1 and are on top of their Pool. USA, USA, USA.

BTW - its the 29th "Olympiad."
Peggy said…
Tell the truth----somebody bet you that you could not incorporate the words "fixins, brouhaha, flummoxed and friendly panda" into one narrative, you took the bet, and won.

Fixins is NOT a word and it hurts my brain when people use it and my respect for you decreased by 12% when you did. Since original respect was well over 100%, you are still in good shape, but don't press your luck.
Mike Lewis said…
Here are the mascots
RE #3: They said Michael Phelps eats from 8,000 to 10,000 calories a day and still can't break 200 lbs. A lot has been said about his crazy schedule at the Olympics. Makes me wonder where he finds the time to put away this kind of calories. Seriously, it must take an hour to eat that much and he doesn't have that kind of time. Either that, or they just have boxes of Krisy Kremes back there, since it would only take 3 to equal his normal caloric intake.

RE #4: I did think that it was funny that from the glimpses you saw of them, that the cheerleaders were wearing more than the beach vollyball players. In what other sport does that happen?

RE #5: I thought it was funny that Bela Caroli (former Romanian coach now American coach) said matter of factly that the girls were younger than their state-issued passports might reflect. Made me wonder if it was something that he was personally familiar with from his Soviet Union days. I say you need no proof besides the sheer number of glittery, pink hair barrettes worn by the Chinese gymnasts. Clearly they are pre-teens. :)

#6: I love the idea! Actually, I think some of them might be good cross-overs. Gymnastics to diving. Weight lifting to still rings. Badmiton

#9 I think the swimmers are required to take drug tests after each match and they are keeping "samples" for something like 8 years, just in case they have to defend something. If that is true, my comment about Phelps not having enough time to eat (and drink) is doubly-true.
Anonymous said…
2. This reminds me of a comment a young friend of ours made to me a couple of years ago when I said I had a new physician in my que, a nephrologist (kidney Dr), and rattled off a bunch of "ologists."

"Well," he said. "Do you have a paleontologist?"

He was embarrassed when Tom & I explained what a paleontologist was, but hey - I'm NEARLY old enough for that!

3, Sorry here, Josh - I have an aside to Peggy. Look, Peggy - "fixin's" is ABSOLUTELY a word! It's right up there with the state motto of Texas - FIXIN' TO". As in, "we're "fixin'" to go somewhere, what do you think you're "fixin'" to do, I'm "fixin'" to be really put out by y'all not understandin' the word "fixin'."

I live in south Mississippi now, no longer Texas, but we southerners just LOVE the word "fixin'!!"

4. We haven't seen the "bug boy," but could use one around here, for sure. That's exactly why we have a huge SCREENED IN back porch in our new house.

BTW - what are the first 411 reasons you don't want to move to Beijing?

5. Since having a serious discussion with Tom, I've decided that no sport with subjective judges should be allowed in the Olympics. Period.

7. Amen!

8. SO . . . did you (how many times) manage to throw in the word "Olympiad" in your depositions today? I'd love to have been there for that!

Cheers & Blessings to you all today!

Cheryl Russell said…
Is there at little sticker that says, MADE IN CHINA, on the back of those medals?
Stoogelover said…
As always, I enjoy your observations. You are absolutely correct on the matter of "fixins" ... people just need to learn.
Stoogelover said…
As for Peggy's comment, if given the chance I would "fixin to cloud up and rain all over her" for her comment that fixin is NOT a word. Geeze, how ignernt can a person be???

Hugs, Peggy! All in fun.
Thurman8er said…
The games of the Olympiad leave me similarly flummoxed. I eagerly await your comments on why male sprinters love themselves so much.
Cheryl Russell said…
I hate myself for caring about the medal count - BUT I DO!

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