I'm coming back soon I promise

But until I do here's a couple things:

1. I have a new job. More on that in a future blog. I'm still going to be a lawyer in Portland dedicated to keeping America safe for large corporations, but I'll be doing it for a different employer.

2. Here's the kind of thing my roomate Alan and I would have done had Youtube been around when we were in college. http://www.costaricanproperty.net/ball.html

3. Reviews to come, but....

Do See - I Am Legend, Bee Movie, The Golden Compass (yes even if you love God), Marie Antoinette (DVD), Hollywoodland (DVD), Charlie Wilson's War.

Do NOT See - Alvin and the Chipmunks, National Treasure 2, Walk Hard or National Treasure 2.

Can't wait to see - There Will Be Blood - Title scares me, but not as much as DD Lewis in the preview. This is a must see.

4. I hope to see some of you in Fresno at the Zoe Worship conference. If you read this (or did when I actually posted) and we haven't met, I would love to put a face to a blog handle.

More later.


Stoogelover said…
I was getting concerned about you. Looking forward to hearing about the new job. In the meantime, I can't believe I just spent almost three minutes watching a guy throw ping pong balls into a cup.

We saw NT2 and enjoyed it ... what's wrong with you???
cwinwc said…
Bro - skip Fresno and head down to Malibu for the Bible Lectures. Actually don't skip Fresno Zoe, do both. We're trying to make plans to head out to "Jerry's Place" for the Lectures.

Good to see you back and congrats on the new job. I'll have to wait until I get home to watch the video.

What's up with NT2? I have heard opinions from it's better than NT1 to yours. Are you going to see the "Great Debaters ?"
Unknown said…
I'm curious if Greg and Cecil will no be banned from your blog for daring to disagree with your movie reviews.
Josh Stump said…
Greg, But admit it, it was an enjoyable 3 minutes. As for your question to me, that's not really quick discussion. Let's just say "experts disagree" on the answer. As for NT2, see my latest post.

Cecil, Pepperdine is 50/50 which is actually pretty good. I'm working on it. Saying NT2 is better than NT1 is kind of like saying a rash on your face is better than a rash covering your whole body if you know what I mean. I didn't like either, so 2 may be better I suppose. Tough for me to say. I am definitely going to see The Great Debaters. We're big fans of Mr. Washington around here. Not sure if I'll see that one in the theater as my mactastic wife will want to see it and we don't get to the theater very often, but we will definitely see it. If you do, I'd be interested in your take

Randy, once everyone agrees with me, I will no longer need to use this space to educate and enlighten. Until then, all those yet to see the light are welcome.

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