Christmas Gs

Peggy, your wish is my command.

Here are G1 and G2 at Christmas


Stoogelover said…
Brought back lots of memories of Christmas when our children were that age. Who's the scary guy with the videocam??
Sharie said…
Great pictures. Looks like a wonderfully relaxing Christmas morning. Well, as relaxing as can be expected when boxing gloves are involved.
Peggy said…
Beautiful boys. Those smiling faces say a lot. Classic G-men all around.

And good for Mom and Dad for being smart enough to enjoy every moment.

Its so cliche, but the best gifts of Christmas are never under the tree.

Thank you for sharing! To show my appreciation, I will not post junk on your blog for 30 days.

Thurman8er said…
Awesome pics, bro.

Have you looked over the schedule yet to see what class you'll be attending at ZOE?
Josh Stump said…
Greg, A homeless man that we let come in out of the cold on Christmas. He is indeed very scary.

Sharie, thanks. It was surprisingly relaxing really or it could have just been the concussion I suffered in the 3rd round.

Peggy, thank you. I appreciate the reprieve.

Green Lantern, I have not. How will I find you by the way?
cwinwc said…
It doesn't get better than little boys and Christmas.
Cheryl Russell said…
That bottom picture is precious!

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