Good Dad News

Just a quick note while I’m pretending to be taking notes at work.

My Dad had the follow up appointment with his doctor to review the latest CT scan which was done on Monday. The CT showed that God is healing my father and whether He is using Gleevac I will leave up to you to decide. Whatever the case, the larger tumors that my Dad has (primarily on his liver), are shrinking. The smaller tumors, which are not causing problems at the moment, seem to be stable or possibly shrinking. There are no new tumors.

Basically, this is the best case scenario. Additionally, the doctor discovered that my Dad had a sinus infection which his immune system appears to be handling quite well which is another good sign regarding his overall health.

Anyway, it is great news and a great relief to my family.

Praise God.


Four Laffs!! said…
Awesome news on your dad! Yes!!!
Mike Lewis said…
God rocks!
leslie said…
wonderful news
Sharie said…
Fabulous! That is such good news!
Stoogelover said…
This IS good news! Thanks for sharing with us.
cwinwc said…
Now that calls for a West Cocoa "That's what I'm talking about!"

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Josh Stump said…
Thank you to everyone.
Anonymous said…
Let me add my Thank You to everyone. Especially I'm thankful for your prayers. Maybe God will heal, but whatever He brings, I'm confident it is response to those many of you who have prayed diligently that His will be done. It brings me peace and joy, and even, dare I say it, some optimism for the future. Thanks to all!

Josh Stump said…
Dad, glad you got to read just a few of the people that are in your corner on this one. Mostly, I'm glad you have good reasons to be optimistic

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