Happy President's Day

Did you know that the United States is one of the world’s oldest (maybe the oldest, depending on how you look at it) functioning constitutional democracies in spite of the fact that it is one of the newer countries on the world stage?

Did you realize that for decades our President has commanded one of, if not the, most powerful military in the world and has not once used that military to remain in power despite a popular vote against him?

Do you recall that we recently had a Presidential election where the results were too close to call and despite enormous popular support for both candidates, when our Supreme Court, chosen mostly by presidents from one party, ruled in favor of that same party, the losing candidate simply said he accepted the process and went away to film propaganda films…errr….I mean documentaries? Where else does that happen?

Do you ever stop to thank God that the most powerful political leader in the world leads your country and yet does not force you to follow his religion, does not murder his opposition and will hand over power to someone else in just a few short months just because a piece of paper written a long long time ago says he has to?

You may despise our current President or you may love him. You may think him a criminal for his politics and decisions in office or you may believe he is a courageous leader. Whether you would prefer to see him in prison or in the White house for 5 more terms or whether you fall somewhere in the middle, consider taking some time today, on President’s Day, to thank God for blessing our country, and pray for our President. Whether you consider him friend or foe, God wants us to pray for both and no single man is in greater need of Godly wisdom or a Godly spirit than our President.

God bless America. We’ve never known anything else.


Peggy said…
Amen to everything you said. Now go play "Stars & Stripes Forever" by John Philip Souza. LOUDLY.
You KNOW I am.
Stoogelover said…
Well said. Very well said!

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