Reporting remotely

Happy New Year everyone.

I've been in a deposition all year and was out of town before that having holiday, so the blogging has been slow. I'm still in depositions, but I'll do the best I can.

First, an update on my Dad. He’s home and doing well. He is still recovering which means he is still in pain and still far from being at full strength. It will be a while yet until he is actually recovered, but the doctors feel like recovery is going well. He is hoping to go on a drug study that will give him expert care and monitoring and the potential to start taking a drug that would not otherwise be available. He will be able to do the study if his would is healed in time. Currently, that seems like it might not happen. The wound is healing, but not fast enough to make the deadline. This week he is being fitted with a wound vacuum that should help speed the healing process. Keep him in your prayers.

With the vacuum, it will keep my Dad from his usual preaching duties. This week, that means, those duties fall tome. So, keep me in your prayers as well.

I’ve been in a deposition all week long that will continue into next week, so my blogging ability has been somewhat limited. However, I have had some time this afternoon to bust out a sports post and a couple movie reviews so check out those other sites if you are so inclined.

I’m not a big one for new years resolutions, but here are some of the things I’d like to do in 2007, not a complete list, but just a few:

Write something for publication. I’ve been published in the legal world, but I have long wanted to write a book/screenplay/etc. this is the year. At least this is the year for the first such item. A college friend of mine and I have big plans to write something together. Chances are good if you read this blog you will be used as a test audience, so brace yourself.

Start playing basketball again. Once upon a time, I was a pretty good player for a 5’10, slow guy with no ability to jump. This is the year I try to get back to playing enough to redelude myself into thinking I am good.

Enjoy my work more

Spend more time enjoying my wonderful family

Get another 5 songs written and arranged

Attend the Zoe conference either in Tennessee or California

Become the benevolent dictator of my own island nation

Complete the deposition I’ve been sitting in all week

Win my fantasy basketball championship

Encourage my lovely wife toward accomplishing the things like this on her list.


cwinwc said…
Why not come to the Zoe Conference being held here in Central Florida in June or July where you can enjoy copious amounts of humidity,t-storms, mosquitoes, and the east coast.

We even have an island (Merritt Island) we can loan you on a trial basis.

Good luck with the resolutions.
Thurman8er said…
Ah yes, but the Fresno conference has something that the Nashville conference does not. It has me.

I can't wait to see Greg there. It will be wonderful to have Randy around. You should really consider completing the trifecta.
Josh Stump said…
I would love to go to the Fresno conference. I didn't realize it was coming up so soon. I fear that is too soon to make it happen, but who knows. I will admit that meeting Greg and Steve is nearly enough draw to balance out having to hang out with Randy.

I'll look into it and let you know.

By the way, Randy, thanks again for the great sandwiches. It was great seeing you guys again. I wish we got to do that more often.

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