I blame Randy

A number of years ago, my friend Randy and I were playing basketball when he wrecked his knee. He has always blamed me just because I shamed him into playing on a court with signs that said something like “newly refinished surface, play at own risk” or something like that. Anyway, even though he has pretended to forgive me, I know that he has been secretly plotting his revenge ever since.

Now, he’s finally got it. As many of you know who read both my and Randy’s blogs, Randy just suffered through the agony of kidney stones. My theory is that through the process he has somehow mastered some dark art that allows him to spread these little monsters to others. Only a few short weeks ago, my family visited with Randy and his family at his home. Yesterday, the doctors found a kidney stone roughly the size of a ’74 Lincoln just south of my kidney. Coincidence? I think not.

Anyway, yesterday I went to the ER with some pretty nasty pain and they discovered the stone. It is too large to pass so tomorrow I go in to talk to the urologist about how we are going to get this out. The most likely will be to sit me in a tub and blast my body with shock waves to break the stone up into smaller stones that can then pass, though I’m guessing only with excruciating pain. I may have the procedure as soon as tomorrow, or it may be in the next couple days.

Please pray for me. After seeing what my wife went through and hearing the stories of Randy, my college roommate and others, I know that what lies ahead is some pretty bad pain. The drugs they have me on are working right now which is good, though I’m in a pretty dense fog. But it’s going to get worse before it gets better so keep me in your prayers.



cwinwc said…
Could Randy be the modern day “Typhoid Mary” or in this case, “Stoned Randy?” Nay, I will not be the first one to cast a stone.

We’ll be praying for you Bro. May the stones and pain pass soon.
Thurman8er said…
I've had about 20 kidney stones over the years, but they have all been of the "pass by themselves" variety. As bad as they hurt, I can only imagine what you're going through, brother.

Take your meds, grit your teeth, and get 'er done.

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