Hello Again

I’m back. Back from backpacking, back from my strenuous legal conference on Waikiki Beach and back in front of my computer where my Blog is always calling. I’ve got all this stuff now built up in my brain that I need to get out on my Blog, I’m having overload. Pretty soon I’m going to get back to ranting and raving about anything and everything to my Wife every night and that is just not good for a marriage. So, I’m hoping I can find the time to actually post something here.

I would have posted some great post here today, but instead I decided to write a review for Talladega Nights over on my Entertainment Blog, since I just saw it and it was on my mind. If you think you might like to see the movie, or if you have always wondered precisely what I think of Ben Stiller’s career (you know you have) check out the review.

Since I’ve been traveling a bunch lately, I want to post some stuff about my trips, but I don’t have any more time now and want to get this posted, so instead I will just leave you with an account of the first day of my backpacking trip and hopefully I will be able to post the other days tonight or tomorrow.

Day 1

With a 4 hour drive ahead of us we needed to get an early start, so of course we left about 9. Frankly, that’s early enough. I usually get up before 9, but nothing good happens. Somehow I end up bathed and dressed most days, but I’m not even sure how. Morning meetings at work are just too much. When I realized I couldn’t remember anything that happened at these meetings, I started tape recording the meetings so I could go back and figure out what happened. When I played the recording it usually sounded like this:

Perky Colleague: I love getting up early. You just feel better about your day starting it off early and fresh. I love my coffee, I love the crisp morning air, I love sunshine and rainbows.

Me: Ummm, yeah, ok, can you shut up and hand me a donut.

Colleague: Sounds like someone’s mister grumpy pants today. What happened did you stay up past 8:30 on a worknight? I would share some of my mega-uber-grande Mocha choca latte with you, but I love it so much I’m keeping it all to myself and I’m thirsty from my morning run and yoga session followed by some good olf fashioned “me time” that I always try to get around 2:30am before the rest of the family gets up.

Me: (muttering) Come here and I’ll show you what you can do with your coffee.

Colleague: What? I’m sorry, could you speak up?

Me: I said, “I love coming here so early to see you and can I get you more coffee.”

Colleague: Oh…Thank you. Well, I don’t really have anything worthwhile to say, but I just love morning meetings, so instead let me just tell you about all the fun things I do when I get up early in the morning.

Me: Thud. Thud. Thud. (the sound of my head banging itself against the table)

So, now, I just skip morning meetings and pretend the person is losing their mind when they suggest I wasn’t there. “Wow, having a senior moment, eh? Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” It works out better that way.

Now where was I,…oh yeah, I couldn’t get up early so we left late.

After getting gas, stopping to pee….again and again (I travel with a well hydrated crew), and then stopping again to get grape soda, we finally made it to the trail head at about 6pm. Actually, it was about 12:30pm, but it was still pretty late to start a hike. No matter, it just means you get to have lunch sooner.

But I’m forgetting to tell you about the fire, the gas experiment and the disastrous wrong turn and now I’m out of time. Tune back in tomorrow for the rest of the story.


Anonymous said…
uhh, any of the striking resemblance that perky morning person might have to your lovely wife is surely unintentional right!!!
Josh Stump said…
Right. My lovely wife knows better than to try to have meetings with me in the morning.
Anonymous said…
Do you remember the summer your perky mother tried to have conversation on our way to work at 6:30 am? I leaned then not to hold morning meeting with you. I still loved the time however.
Thurman8er said…
Thump thump thump.

Coincidentally, the sound MY head makes during pointless meetings.

Glad you're back.
Alan said…
In the day when I worked around people I often would thump my head just to scare away coworkers.
Josh Stump said…
Yes Mom, I remember. I also remember those early morning wakeup calls in college before you went to work. At the time I found the whole thing annoying. Now I'm annoyed at myself for being annoyed. Mostly, I'm glad my grumpiness didn't make you give up.

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