feelin the flow

I know, I'm going crazy here with 2 blog posts in one day, but I couldn't resist sharing this picture.

G2 is seen here in his daily hulk transformation. When he's hulk, he doesn't just play the small green toy guitar. He becomes the small green toy guitar. The music flows through him.

He can often be heard around the house belting out that great American anthem:

"Bye bye Miss American Pie.
Drove the Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And good old boys were drinkin Pepsi and Sprite
Singin this will be the day that I die....
This will be the day that I die."


Anonymous said…
Oh he is a doll! Even if he is growling and pretending to smash things. Tonight we watched the pilot of the 70's Incredible Hulk series again with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. Way cheesy but little G Hulk LOVES it when his shirt rips and his polyester pants seem to stretch forever without ripping. He is amazed and wants some like them.
cwinwc said…
I love that picture of G2 and I love that song! I can drive the wife crazy when I sing most of the verses. Looks like the Stump family is hitting the "roids." I wouldn't want to tell your son that he missed a note. Enjoy, enjoy those little boy times Dad.
Peggy said…
I don't know...it looks more like a Clapton tune to me, I'd bet on "Layla."

Tomo thought every person in America could sing every word of American Pie, which he could do perfectly. He was so sad we only knew the chorus.
Thurman8er said…
I'm going to go hide my whiskey and rye now...
Stoogelover said…
You're on a nice journey toward multiple guitars, amps, pedals, tuners, etc. I've been on that journey for years ... much to my wife's dismay. But it's still a wonderful journey.
Josh Stump said…
MacT, I love that old show. The theme music can't touch the Wonder Woman song, but for pure unintentional comedy, it is top notch.

Cwinwc, I love that song now, except now it is stuck in my head and that can be lethal.

Peggy, G2 Hulk could totally rock "Layla."

Thurman8er, no need to hide 'em, we just like to...er...customize the songs at our house. It is even more fun with a little whiskey and rye.

Greg, we're strictly acoustic right now. G2 feels that amplification puts a barrier between his fans and his music and that's just not the way he rolls.
Anonymous said…
Of course NOTHING can touch the Wonder Woman music. That series is THE best thing ever made. About this I will not argue.
Cheryl Russell said…
This is one of the cutest pictures that I have ever seen!

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