The World's Most Dangerous Drink RedBull and Vodka. You should never have that much energy when you are that dizzy. For that matter, I don't think you should ever intentionally be that dizzy, but I know opinions differ on that. RedBull and Vodka narrowly beat out straight gasoline for this year's most dangerous drink prize. The judges said that it was because RB and V tastes like a liquid sweettart thus enticing people to drink more than one, while Gasoline still tastes like gasoline, even if you have it "on the rocks."

Just thought you should know.

On the other hand. If you have ever thought it would be fun to run a marathon while slamming into things like walls and trees, then I strongly recommend the world's most dangerous drink.


Stoogelover said…
Theological question: Can this be substituted for communion wine?
cwinwc said…
Reminds me of the time (70's flashback) I drank (but didn't enhale) vodka and Gatorade.
Peggy said…
One time circa 1975 my friend Lynn(you remember Lynn...she was at the wedding) went to a toga party at the Kappa Sig house and consumed a beverage called "rocket fuel",which according to legend was created by secret Kappa Sig recipe and they claimed was well over 200 proof.

Is that even possible?

Anyway, in a fit of temporary insanity, Lynn spent a significant amount of time playing some kind of chugging game with rocket fuel--and when I finally rescued her, she came down a staircase on her knees, in her toga,laurel wreath on head, while singing!

It was spectacular!

I feel rocket fuel should at least be in the top three.
Josh Stump said…
Greg, while I am certain it would improve the singing and over all enthusiasm on Sunday mornings, the answer is no. As far as I know niether Vodka nor Red Bull is the fruit of any vine.

Cwinwc, that sounds awful. I'm putting that in the top 5.

Peggy, don't you wish camera phones had been invented for times like that?
Unknown said…
I always wonder about the first person that tried it and what a marketing whiz he / she must have been to get someone else to try it.

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