From Scottsdale

Things I’ve learned while in Phoenix for my CLE/Conference: Getting a seat in the exit row on any flight is always better. It’s just so nice. Why do they even ask you if you want the exit row? Everyone wants the exit row. I mean, some people I guess can’t take on the responsibility, but other than that, we all want them. You (airlines) don’t even have to ask. The sun makes me happy. I tolerate all the rain we get in Oregon OK, but man the sun can be a pick me up. I guess I already knew that but I forget every year at this time. You should never wear brown shoes with a blue suit. Of course I already knew that, but since 2 out of every 3 lawyers here in suits are breaking this fashion rule, I guess I learned that it needs to be said more often. Please, for the love of vanity, stop this now. You can’t stay at the Biltmore and be miserable. Just impossible. I think we should embrace the idea of sending people who are depressed to rehab like we do for drug addicts. We should send them to a ...